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Apartment Vila Real (Portugal)by annonceur international

ApartmentVila Real (Portugal)
Price :
($1,370 / m²)
Surface875 bathrooms5 land350

Building in total ownership, intended for commerce and services.It consists of 5 floors and is located in the heart of the historic center of Vila Real. The building is located close to the main civic facilities of the city, namely PSP, Civil Protection, Court, City Hall, CTT and several bank branches.Communications between the various floors are made through two stairwells, and there is also an elevator.It is compartmentalized as follows:Basement - Ample space and technical compartments;Ground floor - Hall, room/large space with service desk, changing rooms, restrooms, office and technical areas;1st Floor - Open-space space, offices, 2 toilets, storage, terrace, balcony and technical areas;2nd Floor - Large space, restrooms and bar;3rd Floor - Large space for technical areas.

Advertiser reference : 96128173Le Figaro Properties reference : 73198976

In detail

* : Information not provided by the advertiser

Apartment Vila Real (Portugal)

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