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luxury properties for sale Beaulieu-en-Argonne, France

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Property with pool Beaulieu-en-Argonne (55)

Prisé des amoureux de la nature et des randonneurs, cet ancien centre de vacances situé dans le petit village pittoresque de BEAULIEU-EN-ARGONNE à environ 25 minutes de la gare Meuse TGV offre un cadre verdoyant au milieu de la forêt. Ce domaine dans un bon état d'entretien général, dispose d'un grand potentiel de développement et pourrait convenir à différents projets d'activités (centre sportif, centre de réhabilitation, remise en forme, résidence pour personnes âgées, etc...) Ce site, à l'origine à usage de ferme, est aujourd'hui aménagé et adapté pour accueillir des groupes (82 hébergements environ) dans le cadre de séminaires, de classes vertes? et offre un cadre authentique avec point de vue remarquable et un accès à de multiples activités tant sportives que culturelles (VTT, randonnées, sites historiques...). L'ensemble est constitué de : ?Un bâtiment d'accueil avec logement de fonction, salle de réunion, différentes pièces, ancienne infirmerie et buanderie ; ?Un bâtiment à usage de réfectoire, pièce bibliothèque et hébergement ; ?Un bâtiment à usage d'hébergement, salles d'activités, chaufferie, sanitaire et vestiaire piscine ; ?Un bloc sanitaire camping ; ?Une remise et garage ; ?Piscine extérieure chauffée sécurisée ; ?Station d'épuration roseaux autonome ; ?Beau terrain tout autour pour une contenance de 1 ha 91 a 33 ca. ?Bâtiment 1, construit en 1980, sur deux niveaux, 380 m². Rez de chaussée : -Une salle d'activités, sol PVC -Une salle de rangement, sol PVC -Un bureau de direction, sol carrelage -Un logement de fonction : deux chambres, cuisine, séjour, salle d'eau, WC. -Un bloc sanitaire avec lavabo et WC, sol PVC Au sous-sol (accessible avec un escalier en béton recouvert de carrelage) : -Une infirmerie comprenant deux pièces de soin et deux chambres -Bloc sanitaire avec WC, lavabo et douche -Une pièce lingerie et buanderie avec porte d'accès sur l'extérieur -Trois chambres avec lavabo chacune Isolation intérieure et menuiseries bois d'origine (double vitrage), chauffage gaz propane. ?Bâtiment 2, construit dans les années 60, 410 m² : -Un réfectoire, sol carrelage, menuiseries aluminium toute hauteur sur la façade principale, HSP 2,70 m -Un deuxième réfectoire, cheminée à l'âtre, porte fenêtre donnant sur extérieur -Une cuisine avec équipement de collectivité : volet roulant intérieur et passe-plat donnant sur la salle à manger, sol carrelage -Un local de plonge : même prestation que la cuisine -Deux chambres froides -Un cellier ou local alimentaire -Un vestiaire pour le personnel -Une bibliothèque, sol PVC -8 chambres avec salles d'eau, menuiseries aluminium double vitrage, volet roulant électrique, placard et penderie, sol PVC -Bloc sanitaire avec douche et lavabo, sol PVC -2 WC avec lavabo, sol PVC -WC PMR Toutes les pièces techniques ont une hauteur sous-plafond de 2,60m. Isolation par l'extérieur ; menuiseries extérieures en aluminium double vitrage avec volets roulants motorisés ; chauffage central au fuel avec radiateurs en acier ?Bâtiment 3, construit dans les années 60, sur deux niveaux, 605m² : Au rez-de-chaussée, 280 m² : -Deux salles de classe, HSP 2,70 m, sol carrelage, -Une salle retour piscine : douches, WC, lavabos, urinoirs et lavabos, sol carrelage -Une grande salle d'activité, sol carrelage -Une chaufferie : chaudière au fuel « Viessmann », équipements techniques du traitement de l'eau de la piscine, cuve fuel 6000L enterrée A l'étage, 273 m² : -Un grand couloir de distribution, sol PVC -9 chambres, sol PVC -WC communs -2 blocs sanitaires : chacun avec 4 douches, 9 lavabos chacune, sol PVC avec siphon de sol, HSP 2,40 m Isolation par l'extérieur ; menuiseries extérieures en aluminium double vitrage avec volets roulants à manoeuvre électrique ; chauffage central au fuel avec radiateurs en acier Pas de correspondance intérieure entre le RDC et l'étage, le passage se faisant par l'intermédiaire d'un escalier extérieur - Piscine extérieure : chauffée et sécurisée, équipée d'une protection sécurisée (abri + grillage) ?Bâtiment 4, bloc sanitaire camping, 35 m² : Construction en bloc de béton aggloméré avec charpente en bois deux pans recouverts de tuiles en terre cuite -Douches et WC ?Remise et garage : (70 m² environ) Ancien bâtiment non chauffé et non isolé constitué d'une remise et d'un garage Remise en deux niveaux séparés par un plancher en bois sur poutres Porte de garage basculante manuelle en acier Station d'épuration roseaux autonome (travaux effectués en 2010).

land  1.9ha

By Friedrich Immobilier


Property with pool Beaulieu-en-Argonne (55)

Prisé des amoureux de la nature et des randonneurs, cet ancien centre de vacances situé dans le petit village pittoresque de BEAULIEU-EN-ARGONNE à environ 25 minutes de la gare Meuse TGV offre un cadre verdoyant au milieu de la forêt. Ce domaine dans un bon état d'entretien général, dispose d'un grand potentiel de développement et pourrait convenir à différents projets d'activités (centre sportif, centre de réhabilitation, remise en forme, résidence pour personnes âgées, etc...) Ce site, à l'origine à usage de ferme, est aujourd'hui aménagé et adapté pour accueillir des groupes (82 hébergements environ) dans le cadre de séminaires, de classes vertes? et offre un cadre authentique avec point de vue remarquable et un accès à de multiples activités tant sportives que culturelles (VTT, randonnées, sites historiques...). L'ensemble est constitué de : ?Un bâtiment d'accueil avec logement de fonction, salle de réunion, différentes pièces, ancienne infirmerie et buanderie ; ?Un bâtiment à usage de réfectoire, pièce bibliothèque et hébergement ; ?Un bâtiment à usage d'hébergement, salles d'activités, chaufferie, sanitaire et vestiaire piscine ; ?Un bloc sanitaire camping ; ?Une remise et garage ; ?Piscine extérieure chauffée sécurisée ; ?Station d'épuration roseaux autonome ; ?Beau terrain tout autour pour une contenance de 1 ha 91 a 33 ca. ?Bâtiment 1, construit en 1980, sur deux niveaux, 380 m². Rez de chaussée : -Une salle d'activités, sol PVC -Une salle de rangement, sol PVC -Un bureau de direction, sol carrelage -Un logement de fonction : deux chambres, cuisine, séjour, salle d'eau, WC. -Un bloc sanitaire avec lavabo et WC, sol PVC Au sous-sol (accessible avec un escalier en béton recouvert de carrelage) : -Une infirmerie comprenant deux pièces de soin et deux chambres -Bloc sanitaire avec WC, lavabo et douche -Une pièce lingerie et buanderie avec porte d'accès sur l'extérieur -Trois chambres avec lavabo chacune Isolation intérieure et menuiseries bois d'origine (double vitrage), chauffage gaz propane. ?Bâtiment 2, construit dans les années 60, 410 m² : -Un réfectoire, sol carrelage, menuiseries aluminium toute hauteur sur la façade principale, HSP 2,70 m -Un deuxième réfectoire, cheminée à l'âtre, porte fenêtre donnant sur extérieur -Une cuisine avec équipement de collectivité : volet roulant intérieur et passe-plat donnant sur la salle à manger, sol carrelage -Un local de plonge : même prestation que la cuisine -Deux chambres froides -Un cellier ou local alimentaire -Un vestiaire pour le personnel -Une bibliothèque, sol PVC -8 chambres avec salles d'eau, menuiseries aluminium double vitrage, volet roulant électrique, placard et penderie, sol PVC -Bloc sanitaire avec douche et lavabo, sol PVC -2 WC avec lavabo, sol PVC -WC PMR Toutes les pièces techniques ont une hauteur sous-plafond de 2,60m. Isolation par l'extérieur ; menuiseries extérieures en aluminium double vitrage avec volets roulants motorisés ; chauffage central au fuel avec radiateurs en acier ?Bâtiment 3, construit dans les années 60, sur deux niveaux, 605m² : Au rez-de-chaussée, 280 m² : -Deux salles de classe, HSP 2,70 m, sol carrelage, -Une salle retour piscine : douches, WC, lavabos, urinoirs et lavabos, sol carrelage -Une grande salle d'activité, sol carrelage -Une chaufferie : chaudière au fuel « Viessmann », équipements techniques du traitement de l'eau de la piscine, cuve fuel 6000L enterrée A l'étage, 273 m² : -Un grand couloir de distribution, sol PVC -9 chambres, sol PVC -WC communs -2 blocs sanitaires : chacun avec 4 douches, 9 lavabos chacune, sol PVC avec siphon de sol, HSP 2,40 m Isolation par l'extérieur ; menuiseries extérieures en aluminium double vitrage avec volets roulants à manoeuvre électrique ; chauffage central au fuel avec radiateurs en acier Pas de correspondance intérieure entre le RDC et l'étage, le passage se faisant par l'intermédiaire d'un escalier extérieur - Piscine extérieure : chauffée et sécurisée, équipée d'une protection sécurisée (abri + grillage) ?Bâtiment 4, bloc sanitaire camping, 35 m² : Construction en bloc de béton aggloméré avec charpente en bois deux pans recouverts de tuiles en terre cuite -Douches et WC ?Remise et garage : (70 m² environ) Ancien bâtiment non chauffé et non isolé constitué d'une remise et d'un garage Remise en deux niveaux séparés par un plancher en bois sur poutres Porte de garage basculante manuelle en acier Station d'épuration roseaux autonome (travaux effectués en 2010).

land  1.9ha

By Friedrich Immobilier

23 listings near Beaulieu-en-Argonne


Property Beffu-et-le-Morthomme (08)

Côté France Immobilier - Réseau Immobilier Franco Belge International - Des conseillers du Nord au Sud de la France et 4 agences à votre service

land  1.1ha

By Cote France

3D visit

Property Ligny-en-Barrois (55)

IMMEUBLE DE RAPPORT 9 APPARTEMENTS ET 1 LOCAL COMMERCIAL RAPPORT LOCATIF ANNUEL DE 56.491 euros Situé en plein centre-ville de LIGNY-EN-BARROIS avec commerces de proximité, écoles et toutes les commodités, à 20min de BAR-LE-DUC et de SAINT-DIZIER, accès direct RN4, cet immeuble de rapport a été rénové dans les années 2000 et est loué dans sa totalité (56.491 euros par an). Il comporte 9 appartements individuels et un local commercial. Le tout sur 5 are 69 ca. Visite virtuelle disponible via le lien suivant : Détail de l'annonce ci-dessous : Au rez-de-chaussée : Local commercial (env. 316 m²hab) loué env.1400 euros/mois - Magasin (53 m²) : sol et murs carrelés, vitrines ; - Réserve (5,6 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Chambre froide 1 (5,74 m²) ; - Couloir (25 m²) : sol carrelage : - Pièce borgne (9,4m²) : sol parquet ; - Bureau 1 (21,7m²): sol parquet, cheminée Lorraine en pierre, fenêtre ; - Bureau 2 avec coin toilettes (6,35 m²) : sol carrelage, fenêtre et porte fenêtre ; - Salle de découpe (25,8 m²) : sol carrelage, point d'eau ; - Cuisine (22,56 m²) : sol carrelage, baies vitrées ; - Salle de découpe charcuterie (18 m²) ; - Pièce de stockage de frais (6,5 m²) donnant sur réfrigérateur (4 m²) ; - Local poubelle (5m²) : sol carrelage ; - Dégagement avec réserve (12 m²) et couloir (31,15 m²) ; - Chambre froide 2 (10,73 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Vestiaires (5,57 m²) : sol carrelage, WC, vestiaires séparés ; - 2 pièces de stockage (19,5 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Local (4,44 m²) : chauffe-eau 200L ; - Salle de préparation aux pâtisseries (18,5 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Congélateur ; - Frigidaire (6m²) ; En dépendances : - Garage 1 (point livraison camions) (35 m²) : sol béton ; - Garage 2 (26 m²) : sol béton ; - 2 Caves voutées ; 1ER ENTRÉE : Au 1er étage : Un appartement (n°1) de type F3 (env. 70 m²hab) loué 409,65 euros/mois + 50 euros de charges* depuis le 30/04/2021. Classe énergie Vierge. Classe climat Vierge. - Entrée et dégagement (8,23 m²) : sol carrelage, placard ; - WC (1,34 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Débarras (1 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Séjour avec coin cuisine (32,21 m²) : sol carrelage, évier sur meuble bas, 3 fenêtres ; - Salle de bains (3,71 m²) : sol carrelage, baignoire, lavabo sur colonne ; - Chambre 1 (12,26 m²) : sol carrelage, placard, porte fenêtre accès terrasse de 7,40 m² ; - Chambre 2 (9,84 m²) : sol carrelage, placard, porte fenêtre accès terrasse. Chauffé par un système de chauffage central au gaz de ville. Un appartement (n°2) de type F3 (env. 70 m²hab) loué 411,16 euros/mois + 70 euros de charges* depuis le 03/03/2022. Classe énergie Vierge. Classe climat Vierge. - Entrée et dégagement (8,21 m²) : sol carrelage, placard ; - WC (1,45 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Débarras (1,93 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Cuisine ouverte sur séjour (28,76 m²) : sol carrelage, évier, éléments hauts, 3 fenêtres ; - Bureau (6,46 m²) : sol carrelage ; - Salle de bains (4,11 m²) : sol carrelage, baignoire, lavabo sur colonne ; - Chambre 1 (9,82 m²) : sol carrelage, placard, fenêtre ; - Chambre 2 (9,10 m²) : sol carrelage, porte fenêtre accès terrasse de 6,21 m². Chauffé par un système de chauffage central au gaz de ville. Au 2ème étage : Un appartement (n°3) de type F3 (env. 57 m²hab) loué 302,86 euros/mois + 50 euros de charges* depuis le 25/09/2021. Classe énergie Vierge. Classe climat Vierge. - Entrée et dégagement (7,27 m²) : sol carrelage, placard ; - WC (1,16m²) : sol carrelage ; - Séjour avec coin cuisine (20 m²

land  569

By Friedrich Immobilier


Property Grand-Failly (54)

For sale exclusively near Belgium and Luxembourg, the commune of Grand Failly, this magnificent estate of more than 1.37 hectares. Four buildings make up this farmhouse: 1- The living area 2- a stable with 6 boxes 3- a saddlery 4- a workshop The house, dating from 1700, consists of an entrance of 9.8m² on the ground floor , a kitchen of 13.03m², a living room of 23.45m², a dining room of 23.09m² with fire in the hearth, a laundry room with shower room and boiler room of 10.5m² and two bedrooms of 13.7m² and 23.3 m² with dressing room. Upstairs a landing gives access to a two-bedroom apartment of 19.25 m² and 17.77 m² (with shower room), an open kitchen living room and dining room and a bathroom all on an area of 110 m². Central heating is provided by a recent gas condensing boiler. The woodwork, doors, bed alcoves, window surrounds and doorways are superbly preserved and add to the period charm of the house. Almost every room has a fireplace. The largest, in the dining room, is still in use. (The others were checked recently and are in working order.) A large convertible attic brings great potential for additional space. Obviously in the basement, vaulted cellar! The stables: 6 horse boxes for the stable part and a large adjoining barn. All on a floor area of 340 m². The cottage-style upholstery offers a floor space of 29 m². It is divided into two rooms (saddlery + workshop) on the ground floor and an area under the roof upstairs. A shelter on the side will allow you to store your firewood. The workshop is located at the entrance to the courtyard, 50 m² of floor space could be suitable for a professional activity or be transformed into a studio... The area extends over exactly 13,752 m². There, in addition to the buildings described above, there is a central paved courtyard, a track for horses and an enclosed park (sometimes a fence, sometimes a low wall). The property is listed as a heritage site classified as a castle. Heart stroke !! Les honoraires sont à la charge du vendeur. Les informations sur les risques auxquels ce bien est exposé sont disponibles sur le site Géorisques : www. georisques. gouv. fr. Contact your local agent, Antoine MARION, THONNE LE THIL, Optimhome Associate Estate Agent at 07 86 44 95 54 – More information on (ref 551825)

land  1.4ha

By Optimhome - Antoine Marion


Property Giraumont (54)

iad France - Olivier Nenich (07 86 28 63 17) offers you: Exceptional Character Home with Authentic Charm in Giraumont. This magnificent residence, dating from 1927 and completely renovated, is a rare gem located in Giraumont. With a total area of approximately 360 m² spread over 2 floors, this home provides a prestigious and refined living environment.On the ground floor, you will be welcomed by a beautiful entrance leading to a vast 91 m² living space, ideal for hosting your guests in a bright and warm space. The open-plan kitchen, fully equipped, is a perfect spot for convivial moments with family and friends. An office, a pantry, a toilet, and a master suite with a bathroom and dressing room offer additional comfort for everyday living.On the first floor, you will discover 5 beautiful bedrooms, each with its unique character and cozy ambiance, including two suites with dressing rooms and bathrooms. Each room is served by an imposing 25-meter-long hallway.Finally, on this floor, I also offer an additional space that can serve as a playroom, gym, office, or storage area according to your needs.The charm of the old combined with modern comfort, featuring radiators, a wood stove, and underfloor heating for pleasant warmth, fiber optic connection to stay connected, and a security system with an intercom to guarantee serenity and tranquility.The location of this residence is ideal, close to shops, schools, extracurricular activities, and green spaces for an easier daily life.A visit is a must to appreciate all the grandeur and elegance of this unique home in Giraumont. Let yourself be seduced by this exceptional gem where refinement and comfort meet to create a true haven of peace.Agency fees are the responsibility of the seller. Energy display information on this property: ENERGY class C index 131 and CLIMATE class C index 19. Information on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Géorisques website: This real estate advertisement has been drafted under the editorial responsibility of Mr. Olivier Nenich EI (ID 72193), independent real estate agent (without holding funds), commercial agent of SAS I@D France registered with the RSAC of Val de Briey under number 919552117, holder of the real estate canvassing card on behalf of I@D France SAS. Find all our properties on our website. www.iadfrance.frThis description has been automatically translated from French.

land  1,093

By Iad France


Property with garden Val de Briey (54)

DIRECT CONTACT: Mrs. Korniloff Alexandrine at +352 691 118 494 or by email at [email protected] Luxembourg offers for sale a classic villa on the heights of the town of Briey, surrounded by its wooded and fenced park, close to all amenities. Its living area is +/- 247 m2 and is composed as follows: On the ground floor, an entrance hall, a double reception room with a fireplace and access to a large terrace of +/- 130 m2, an office, a semi-equipped kitchen, a bedroom with its shower room, and a WC. On the first floor: A night hall, a spacious living room with its fireplace leading to a balcony, four bedrooms, a bathroom with a bathtub, a shower room, and a separate WC. In the basement: A cellar and a closed garage for +/- three vehicles. Outside, a wooded garden of +/- 48 ares, a small house of +/- 80 m2, two outbuildings, and outdoor parking spaces complete this property. Renovations and refreshing are to be expected.This description has been automatically translated from French.


By Barnes Luxembourg


Property with garden Dornot (57)

BARNES offers for sale a magnificent winemaker's house on the heights of Ancy-sur-Moselle - Dornot, with a completely fenced garden of +/- 1000 m² and an unobstructed view of the Moselle. Its living area is +/- 204 m² and consists of: an entrance hall with its original floor, a staircase, a fitted kitchen, a dining room with direct access to a large terrace and a landscaped garden, a living room with a period fireplace, and a guest toilet. On the first level: a master suite with a bathroom with access to the garden, two bedrooms, a shower room, a separate toilet, an office that can be used as a bedroom, and a second living room. On the second level, a bedroom, a laundry room, a closed garage, a cellar, and an adjacent woodlot of +/- 1200 m² complete this property. For more information, you can contact: Mme Korniloff Alexandrine at +352 691 118 494 or by email at [email protected] description has been automatically translated from French.


By Barnes Luxembourg


Property Montois-la-Montagne (57)

iad France - Julien Robert (07 78 29 12 45) offers you: Superb Character Residence in Montois-la-Montagne - Great Opportunity to Seize!Located in a green and peaceful setting in Montois-la-Montagne, this enclosed farmhouse without any vis-à-vis will charm you with its authenticity and unique character. Offering a living area of 290m² spread over one floor, this property will satisfy lovers of beautiful homes and tranquility.This farmhouse consists of 10 spacious rooms offering multiple layout possibilities. The rooms are bright and offer beautiful volumes, ideal for creating welcoming and comfortable living spaces. Its layout will allow future owners to unleash their imagination to create their dream space.The interior features include a fireplace, ensuring warm and friendly atmospheres, as well as radiators for optimal thermal comfort. The house is in generally good condition, providing a pleasant and relaxing living environment.Regarding facilities, benefit from connection to the gas network, a well-maintained electrical installation, and mains drainage for optimal daily comfort.Outside, the property boasts a beautiful garden with its orchard, possibly divided (another entry on the lower part of the land).This exceptional residence is a real opportunity in Montois-la-Montagne for lovers of authenticity and serenity. Do not miss this unique chance to acquire a character property offering multiple layout possibilities. Contact me now to arrange a visit and discover all the potential of this beautiful home! Video available on request!Agency fees are the responsibility of the seller. Performance display information for this property: ENERGY class D index 188 and CLIMATE class D index 41. Information on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Georisques website: This real estate advertisement has been drafted under the editorial responsibility of Mr. Julien Robert EI (ID 58931), independent real estate agent (without holding funds), commercial agent of SAS I@D France registered at the METZ RSAC under number 837835073, holder of the real estate canvassing card on behalf of I@D France SAS. Find all our properties on our website. www.iadfrance.frThis description has been automatically translated from French.

land  4,759

By Iad France


Property with pool Bergnicourt (08)

Come discover exclusively Signature L'Agence Immobilière, an exceptional property, rare on the market. On the Reims/Rethel axis, just 20 minutes via the expressway from downtown Reims, this beautiful residence offers, in addition to its quality features and materials, an extraordinary living environment with its charm, surrounding calm, and lush nature! The property is divided into two parts: on one side, a main house of over 458m2 with impressive volumes and elegant rooms consisting of the following: entrance, vestibule, living room/dining room/library of over 60m2, kitchen, office, second hall, pantry, dining room, and reception room of over 67m2, 6 bedrooms, dressing rooms, two bathrooms, laundry, gym, and play area in mezzanine of over 33m2, and finally two separate toilets. Two beautiful verandas, one fitted out as a lounge and the other extending the kitchen. Cellars. On the other side, a secondary annex house of over 100m2 with ground floor and first floor consisting of the following: entrance, kitchen, back kitchen, living room, toilet, two bedrooms, bathroom, attic, and cellar. Triple garage and multiple outbuildings that can be developed according to your needs. A vast terrace perfectly exposed, facing south, with direct access to the covered swimming pool as well as a flowered and landscaped garden perfectly maintained are offered with this property all on a plot of over 6317m2. This property can adapt to all types of needs, whether for a primary residence, a vacation home, or even for professional and commercial activities such as guest houses, receptions, weddings, seminars. Double-glazed aluminum + PVC windows with electric shutters everywhere, the house is also equipped with an alarm system, a water softener, and fiber optic internet. The heating system consists of: 4 recent heat pumps, a fireplace, and an insert. Energy performance certificate (DPE) in C completed on 04/14/2024. Information about the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Géorisques website: This property is presented to you by: Signature l'Agence Immobilière - Juliana BONNET - - [email protected] description has been automatically translated from French.

land  6,317

By Signature L'agence Immobiliere


Property with garden Nancy (54)

BARNES Luxembourg offers for sale a magnificent residence on 3 levels from the 16th century, with a spacious garden completely renovated with period materials and exposed beams, close to all amenities.Its living area is +/- 600 m2 and is composed as follows.On the ground floor: A large dining room with a fireplace, a living room with a fireplace and wood paneling, two staircases including one in cut stone, a spacious kitchen with a large fireplace with direct access to a stone terrace (formerly a tower), a second kitchen with a pantry and a toilet.On the second floor: two halls, a master suite with a bathroom and dressing room, two offices, a billiard room with a fireplace, and a separate toilet.On the third floor: a lounge, five bedrooms with showers and toilets.An annex of +/- 400 m2 is added, composed of several rooms to renovate, three horse boxes, and a balcony overlooking the front of the property.A huge cellar, a shelter for two cars, and its garden with its well complete this magnificent property.Possibility to create guest rooms ideal for investors.For more information, do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Korniloff Alexandrine at +352 691 118 494This description has been automatically translated from French.


By Barnes Luxembourg


Property with pool Sainte-Ruffine (57)

BARNES Luxembourg offers for sale a magnificent property of +/- 675 m2 of total surface area over three levels and on +/- 1.70 hectares of land with an outdoor pool and a panoramic view located in Saint Ruffine close to all amenities.The living area is +/- 493 m2 and consists of the following, On the ground floor: An entrance hall, an office, a library lounge, a double reception room of +/- 70 m2 with a veranda of +/- 35 m2 with direct access to the park and pool. A fitted kitchen, two service bedrooms with shower and separate toilets.On the first floor: A hall, five spacious bedrooms with bathrooms, showers, and toilets.On the second floor: An apartment consisting of three bedrooms, a dining room, a fitted kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet.An attic suitable for conversion, three cellars, a laundry room, a garage for 6 cars, and a small house in the park complete this property.For further information, please do not hesitate to contactMrs. Korniloff Alexandrine at +352 691 118 494This description has been automatically translated from French.


By Barnes Luxembourg


Property Saulnes (54)

Lucie LE GOUAS vous présente en exclusivité cette splendide propriété de 181m² érigée en 1890 au cœur de son parc clos et arboré de 13 ares. Diverses allées fleuries, ambiances, essences d'arbres et arbustes, des senteurs, le bassin éclairé, la gloriette, la fontaine... tant d'espaces qui vous apporteront calme et sérénité. Idéalement implantée à Saulnes, non loin des frontières, profitez de la proximité des commodités et de la tranquillité et de la quiétude des lieux. La demeure dispose de plusieurs entrées. Un grand hall avec sa mosaïque, ses moulures d'époque et son magnifique escalier dessert une vaste pièce de vie lumineuse de32m². De belles soirée vous attendent auprès de la magnifique cheminée en marbre. Un bureau de 11m², la cuisine équipée de 11m² et le WC complète le rez-de-chaussée. Au 1er étage, découvrez quatre belles chambres avec parquet en chêne massif de 10m² à 18m² ainsi que la salle de bain. Au 2ème et dernier étage vous trouverez trois belles pièces légèrement mansardées ainsi qu'un grenier. Au sous-sol, vous accèderez à la chaufferie avec chaudière au GAZ de ville, la cuisine d'été de ainsi que la buanderie. Une dépendance de complète cette splendide maison de maître. Elle se compose d'un garage et d'une pièce pouvant servir d'espace bien-être par exemple. Cette somptueuse bâtisse, possède des matériaux nobles de qualité, de nombreux vitraux uniques, des ferronneries d'art sur mesure, diverses pièces des émaux de Longwy ont été créées spécialement. La toiture est remaniée, entretenue et en très bon état. Je vous invite à découvrir sans attendre cette merveilleuse propriété. Nombre de lots de la copropriété : 763, Montant moyen annuel de la quote-part de charges (budget prévisionnel) : 0€ soit 0€ par mois, avec procédure syndic impayé en cours. Les honoraires d'agence sont à la charge de l'acquéreur, soit 5,00% TTC du prix hors honoraires. Les informations sur les risques auxquels ce bien est exposé sont disponibles sur le site Géorisques : www. georisques. gouv. fr. ** ENGLISH SPEAKERS: please note that Capifrance has an international department that can help with translations. To see our range of 20,000 properties for sale in France, please visit our Capifrance website directly. We look forward to finding your dream home!

land  1,331

By Capifrance - Lucie Le Gouas


Property Vivier-au-Court (08)

08 VIVIER AU COURT. Very exceptional!! Not to miss !! Rare property, detached house of 365m2 of living space in a property of 3020m2 of land. Magnificent house surrounded by a terrace. 3 living levels. Basement: 1 large garage (minimum 3 cars), boiler room, cellar, 1 hallway, 1 games room, toilet. Ground floor: 1 shower room, 3 bedrooms, 3 toilets, bathroom, laundry room, hallways, fitted kitchen, living room. 1st floor: 1 bedroom, 1 large relaxation room, 1 bathroom, toilet, hallways, attics. Fully fenced land, closed by gate. ENERGY CLASS D: 179 kWh ep/m2.year CLIMATE CLASS D: 38 KGeqCO2/m2.year. Estimated amount of annual energy expenditure for standard use: min: 3890 euros / year max: 5310 euros / year. Reference date of energy prices used to establish this estimate: 01/01/2021. Price: 473,800 euros. Fees charged to the seller. On the French side, Franco-Belgian real estate network in Fumay, Givet and Mariembourg. Tel: 0785575758 Matthieu Hosselet Sales agent for the Monthermé-Sedan-Charleville sectors This real estate announcement was written under the editorial responsibility of Matthieu HOSSELET, independent real estate commercial agent of SARL Côté France (without holding funds), the commercial agent registered with the RSAC of Sedan under number 814362810, holder of the card of real estate canvassing on behalf of the company SARL Côté France. Côté France Immobilier - Réseau Immobilier Franco Belge International - Des conseillers du Nord au Sud de la France et 4 agences à votre service

land  3,020

By Cote France


Property Reims (51)

iad France - Marie-Antoinette Itier-Nunes (06 03 34 38 13) offers you: FOR SALE in a very beautiful neighborhood of Reims. Individual house of approximately 280m2 + approximately 80m2 of attics to renovate with a garden of approximately 150m2. 10 rooms, 5/6 bedrooms, bathroom, shower room, toilets on every floor, dressings, very large main room of approximately 70m2, kitchen. Access to two terraces of approximately 25m2 on each floor, direct access to the garden. I remain available for a visit. Agency fees are to be borne by the seller. Energy display information for this property: ENERGY class E index 240 and CLIMATE class E index 52. Information regarding the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Géorisques website: This real estate advertisement has been written under the editorial responsibility of Ms. Marie-Antoinette Itier-Nunes EI (ID 55605), independent real estate agent (without holding funds), commercial agent of SAS I@D France registered at the REIMS RSAC under number 419978713, holder of the real estate canvassing card on behalf of I@D France SAS. Find all our properties on our website. www.iadfrance.frThis description has been automatically translated from French.

land  200

By Iad France


Property with pool Epernay (51)


land  3,325

By D-ker Immobilier


Property Epernay (51)

Located 8 minutes south of Epernay, this exceptional property is offered, where architectural elegance harmoniously blends with the natural beauty of the surroundings.Nestled in the heart of a beautifully landscaped and well-enclosed garden, the residence, designed by an architect, was built by a mason in 1987 for his own use; thus, the best materials were used, every detail was carefully thought out, and every curve reflects the unique craftsmanship that presided over the design of this home.The current owners have added their personal touch by enhancing the existing features with superb woodwork in rosewood, walnut, oak, or elm burl, crafted by a Compagnon over more than a year.You will particularly appreciate its light oak herringbone floors, the fireplace with its walnut mantle and trumeau mirror above, the magnificent walnut spiral staircase topped with a coffered ceiling in elm burl and walnut, its dressing room closed by an arched oak door, its libraries, sideboard, and other custom furniture...The GROUND FLOOR welcomes you into a large vestibule leading to a particularly bright LIVING ROOM that is widely open to the garden, a spacious furnished and equipped kitchen extended by a well-appointed veranda, a spacious bedroom, a toilet, and a laundry room.The FIRST FLOOR offers an airy and pleasant space with 4 large bedrooms, a playroom, a beautiful dressing room, 1 bathroom with a bathtub and shower, and toilets.Complete BASEMENT - Independent garage - Chalet with woodshed and water point - South-facing terrace.Between town and nature, this exceptional property offers you a privileged living environment just a few minutes from Epernay.Complete file available on request.Contact your AXO Agent - Active Real Estate at 06 59 13 56 67, Michèle PERCHAT Employee Real Estate Negotiator. More information at (ref. 85002114441) and [email protected] inclusive of tax charged to the seller.Information about the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Géorisques website: description has been automatically translated from French.

land  1,882

By Axo L'immobilier Actif

Property 16

Property Chavot-Courcourt (51)

iad France - Sophie Bombaron (06 42 51 86 47) offers you: Exceptional property with breathtaking views over the vineyards, located in the heart of a wine village just 5 minutes from Epernay, that redefines luxury and refinement. This majestic residence provides a unique living environment, ideal for those seeking exclusivity and absolute comfort.With an impressive surface area of 750 m² spread over a complete basement (garden level) and 2 floors, this property perfectly blends tradition and modernity. From its volumes, reception rooms, to its bedrooms, every corner of this home exudes elegance and charm.Completely renovated to offer contemporary comfort, this property is a true architectural masterpiece. The living spaces are spacious and bright, providing an ideal living environment for large families or those who enjoy entertaining.The location of this estate is equally privileged, offering a peaceful and green setting. You can enjoy the tranquility of the countryside while being close to essential amenities and infrastructure.If you are looking for luxury, comfort, and elegance, look no further. This unique property is a rare opportunity in the real estate market. Don’t wait any longer, come discover this estate and let yourself be charmed by its incomparable allure.Please contact me in advance by phone for more information.Agency fees are the responsibility of the seller. Energy display information for this property: ENERGY class D index 235 and CLIMATE class D index 48. Information regarding the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Géorisques website: This real estate advertisement has been written under the editorial responsibility of Miss Sophie Bombaron EI (ID 41109), independent real estate agent (without holding funds), commercial agent of SAS I@D France registered with the REIMS RSAC under number 877929174, holder of the real estate canvassing card on behalf of the company I@D France SAS. Find all our properties on our website. www.iadfrance.frThis description has been automatically translated from French.

land  5,000

By Iad France


Property Charleville-mezieres (08)

- EXCLUSIVE - 56 HECTARES - 8 PONDS - ABBEY PALACE - THIERACHES - CISTERCIAN ABBEY XII-XIII-XVII-XVIII CENTURY - SUMPTUOUS ENVIRONMENT FREE OF ANY NUISANCE - RUINED ABBEY CHURCH - 3 HOUSES - TO BE COMPLETELY RESTORED - SURROUNDING CHARLEVILLE-MEZIERES - ARDENNES. Facing a splendid view nestled at the confluence of three valleys, this Cistercian abbey founded in 1152 presents sumptuous remains of the 13th century abbey church with a 52 meter long nave, a 17th century abbey palace, a Louis XIII pavilion, a clock tower, 13 ponds. The ruin of an abbey church from the beginning of the 13th century in the shape of a Latin cross, has a 52m long nave, with a sumptuous rose window on the south transept, triforium, chapels, Romanesque style portal. Conventual dwelling resembling an abbey palace in the mid-17th century around 1650. Symmetrical facade; containing refectory, dormitory, library, kitchen, one wing of the vaulted cloister, monumental staircase, contemporary with the ducal place of Charleville-Mézière 1612-1628, brick and stone, chaining, bands, end vaults of the cloister, before projecting monumental body ; length of 90 meters (including 45m of main building). On the ground floor: sumptuous staircase hall; vaulted gallery; chapel, living room, dining room, monks' kitchen, fireplace; semi-detached apartment. First floor ; large hall, gallery, billiards, 6 rooms decorated with woodwork, alcoves, low paneling. Attic. Restored accommodation in the lower wing as an extension of the abbey dwelling. Abbot's house, interior work in progress, new roof. Clock campanile with the clock still running. Old farm, including barns and a house currently inhabited which is the subject of a right of use given for life to a person outside the sale born in 1968. This right of use is strictly personal and cannot be nor given or sold. Numerous outbuildings: Barns, workshops, stables, garages... Charming Louis XIII pavilion on the edge of one of the ponds. Significant presence of water: springs, ponds, fountains and streams at the confluence of three valleys. Water renowned for centuries for its purity. 56 hectares: around 7,5 ha of park free of leas, 31,5ha of agricultural land, 10ha of woods, around 7 hectares of ponds (8 ponds) Listed MH: ruin of the abbey church. Location : - 200km Paris - 150km Lille, airport - 40km Charleville Mézière, TGV station; 50 minutes; Paris at 2:13. - 20km Belgium, 15 minutes. - 15km Rozoi sur Serre, shops, services, supermarket; - 23km Hirson. - 67km Laon. Price: 1,715,200 Euros agency fees included, payable by the seller OPTION: 161 HECTARES IN TOTAL AT A PRICE OF 2,948,000 Euros. Information on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Géoriques website:

land  56ha

By Denniel Immobilier


Property Terville (57)

Located in the highly sought-after Linkling shopping area in Terville, this retail premises with a surface area of over 500 m² benefits from a strategic and sought-after location, ideal for any business requiring high visibility. It comprises a 270 m² sales area, storage space and various independent areas. With easy access and a modular layout, the sales area is bathed in light thanks to its zenithal glass roof. The layout has been designed to facilitate the flow of customers and optimise product display, while offering a comfortable flow of traffic. Its three separate warehouses offer secure, organised storage solutions. A delivery area facilitates the receipt and dispatch of goods. The premises also include independent areas, perfectly suited to administrative or technical use. An office and workshops, totalling 80 sq. metres, have been fitted out to provide separate, functional work areas to meet the needs of administrative, technical and after-sales staff. Three 80 m² garages, directly connected to a 20 m² storeroom, complete the commercial premises. These garages are ideal for parking company vehicles or securely storing additional equipment. With its prime location and constant flow of visitors, this premises represents a rare opportunity to support the development of a business. It is located on the ground floor of a small co-ownership building, with a 245 m² flat and 116 m² terrace on the first floor, which is also available for sale. The perfect way to make the most of your days by living and working at the same address. No EPD Contact: Elodie Condominiums of 3 units.


By Espaces Atypiques Lorraine


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