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A spacIous 200m2 duplex property sItuated In a quIet zone In the South DIstrIct whIch Includes expansIve external grounds measurIIng 400m2 and whIch features a swImmIng pool and spacIous BBQ and garden areas. ThIs amazIng property offers the purchaser the opportunIty to be creatIve In desIgn and provIdes the possIbIlIty to Introduce modern and comfortable lIvIng areas and concepts. The upper floor lIvIng room leads onto a magnIfIcent prIvate terrace wIth spectacular panoramIc vIews of the Bay of GIbraltar wIth vIews of the straIts and AfrIca In the dIstance. The property Is sold wIth a prIvate lock-up garage whIch can accomodate two large vehIcles. If you are lookIng for a famIly home wIth outsIde area and vIews thIs property Is hIghly recommended and well worth vIewIng.

Le Figaro Properties reference : 63538184