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luxury farmhouses for sale Porto District, Portugal (page 2)

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Farmhouse Santo Tirso (Portugal)

Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT563752 Discover this stunning 260m2 country house. A corner in paradise to enjoy the best that life has to offer! MAIN FEATURES: 85m2 living room with fireplace Equipped kitchen Pantry 1 master suite 3 suites 1 bedroom 1 bathroom Front porch OUTSIDE AREA: 16,150m2 plot with centuries-old trees Lake with fountain Garden with swimming pool Outdoor living area by the pool with kitchen, living room, barbecue area and changing rooms Pergola Tennis court Annexe It has 2 wells and a water hole. The property is located in Monte Córdova in the municipality of Santo Tirso and offers you all the privacy and tranquility you are looking for. This excellent location will allow you to reach Porto within 25 minutes and Braga in around 20 minutes. Would you like to visit this enchanted paradise? Just reach out. 3 razões para comprar com a Zome + acompanhamento Com uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Zome põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o melhor acompanhamento, orientando-o com a máxima confiança, na direção certa das suas necessidades e ambições. Daqui para a frente, vamos criar uma relação próxima e escutar com atenção as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, e que estamos consigo sempre. + simples Os consultores Zome têm uma formação única no mercado, ancorada na partilha de experiência prática entre profissionais e fortalecida pelo conhecimento de neurociência aplicada que lhes permite simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária. Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque na Zome encontra o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e multidisciplinar que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspetos fundamentais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as expectativas. + feliz O nosso maior valor é entregar-lhe felicidade! Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz. Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados. Com a Zome nunca vai estar perdido ou desacompanhado e encontrará algo que não tem preço: a sua máxima tranquilidade! É assim que se vai sentir ao longo de toda a experiência: Tranquilo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ! Notas: 1. Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita. 2. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão.

land  1.6ha

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse Marco de Canaveses (Portugal)

Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT564565 Property available for visits, by prior appointment with the consultant, identification document required. Farm with approximately 42 Hectares (approx. 418,520 m2) in Vila Boa do Bispo, Municipality of Marco de Canaveses, facing the Tâmega River for an extension of approximately 750 meters. This is a Property With Extraordinary and Diversified Investment Potential: BENEFITS: WATER, the Greatest and Most Fundamental Current and Future Resource for Humanity Without Which There is No Life, which alone brings Extraordinary Present and Future Value and Potential, In ACQUISITION, all the benefits inherent to the purchase of a Company only with its assets and free from any other type of responsibilities, Possibility of access to Community FUNDS (depending on the investment to be made), namely Portugal 2030 and others., Possibility of Municipal support and incentives (depending on the investment to be made and the interest for the Region), POTENTIAL TOURISM, in its most varied and diversified options, all of them with a strong and high potential such as Rural, Mountainous, Exploration, Aquatic, Sports…, BUYING AND SELLING PROPERTIES, As a pure Investment to make a profit later or for Renting, OTHER BUSINESSES, arising from the type of business to be associated with the Property PRODUCT The Company has as Assets the following Properties according to Land Registries: - 3 (Three) Urban Items in a Total of 1,584 m2 - 7 (Seven) Rustic Items in a Total of 416,936 m2 FEASIBILITIES ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT PDM REGULATION OF MARCO DE CANAVESES Land in Alvelo and Pisão (1/2) Analyze the land adjacent to Rio – Casa de Alvelo and Capela. Supporting documentation from Marco de Canaveses City Council available for analysis by the mediator. Feasibility is highlighted in bold and underlined. Planning Plan: Rural Soil – Production Forest Spaces Flood zone Municipal Ecological Structure on Rural Land Architectural Heritage VBB23 – Alvelo House and Chapel Conditioning Plant: Torrão Terrestrial Protection Zone Reserved Area of Albufeira do Torrão REN areas Extracts from the PDM Regulation: Agricultural or forestry spaces Article 36 Definition and dominant uses 1 — Depending on their suitability, agricultural and forestry areas are divided into the following subcategories: a) Agricultural spaces: areas mainly used for agricultural activities, integrating RAN soils and complementary agricultural land; b) Forest conservation spaces: areas of forest suitability which include populations of indigenous forest species with the aim of promoting their natural regeneration and increasing the landscape mosaic; c) Forest production spaces: areas of forest suitability that include forest patches located on land suitable for use and economic exploitation. They also include areas with steeper slopes, which have a high level of susceptibility to erosion and the slopes of water courses, with a protective function; d) .... 2 — The soils integrated into these spaces.... 3 — In agricultural or forestry areas.... Article 37 Uses compatible with the dominant use 1 — In addition to the actions referred to in the previous article, the following installations, works, uses and activities are considered compatible with the dominant use: a) Facilities to support livestock, forestry and agricultural activities if authorized by the RAN Regional Entity; b) Residential buildings; c) Equipment aimed at uses of public interest and infrastructure; d) Tourist enterprises, local accommodation and recreational and leisure activities; e) Special installations, .... 2 — The buildings,...: The) ...; B) ...; w) .... Article 38 Facilities to support agricultural, livestock and forestry activities 1 — The construction.... 2 — The construction.... 3 — Construction is permitted.... 4 — In production forestry spaces.... Article 39 Residential buildings 1 — Building in forest conservation areas is prohibited. 2 — New constructions for housing purposes are permitted in production forestry spaces as long as it is a single-family house and only for the owner's own residence and respective households or holder of the exploration right, as long as the typology is single-family and if check, cumulatively, that: a) The minimum area of the building is two hectares; b) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; c) The height of the facade...; d) The utilization rate...; e) The construction is served by public roads, with a minimum frontage of 20 meters of land. 3 — Are allowed...: a) The interested party is a farmer, ...; b) There is no other building...; c) The building has a minimum area of one hectare; d) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; e) The height of the facade of the buildings...; f) The land use index (Iu) is 0.02, and the waterproofing area cannot exceed 300 m2; g) The construction is served by public roads, with a minimum frontage of 20 meters of land. 4 — The expansion of pre-existing legally licensed buildings is permitted, provided that the height of the buildings' facade cannot exceed 6 meters, the difference in level from the threshold to the ground is a maximum of 6 meters, and the waterproofing area exceeds 300 m2. Article 40 Tourist, recreational and leisure developments 1 — Constructions for tourist developments and recreational and leisure developments are permitted if it is verified that: a) The building must have a minimum of 1 hectare; b) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; c) The height of the building facade cannot exceed 9 meters, except for hotel establishments where the facade height cannot exceed 15 meters; d) The land use index (Iu) is 0.02. 2 — In the case of tourism enterprises in rural areas and residential tourism enterprises licensed on the date of entry into force of the PDM, conservation and reconstruction works are permitted on existing buildings and their expansion up to 50%, depending on the height of the facade does not exceed 9 meters or the existing one if higher. 3 — Complementary constructions for leisure equipment and support to the main building are permitted, not exceeding 10% of the overall area of implementation. 4 — Tourist, recreational and leisure ventures associated with the use of the natural conditions of rural soils and not covered by paragraph 1 of this article are permitted, as long as they are subject to a Detailed Plan and the natural values and landscape of the site. 5 — In existing buildings or those to be constructed for this purpose, the installation of commercial uses and services, namely restaurants and drinks, is permitted, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 37. Article 41 Equipment and infrastructure of public interest The construction of equipment for uses in the public interest is permitted,...: a) Comply with paragraph 1 of article 12; b) Maximum facade height less than 9 meters; c) Land occupation index (Io) must not exceed 30%. Article 42 Special installations Special installations permitted on an exceptional basis will only be authorized as long as they do not jeopardize archaeological, environmental values or fundamental ecological systems, in addition to scrupulous compliance with the provisions of general and specific law, applicable to each situation. CHAPTER IV Municipal ecological structure Article 19 Identification 1 — The municipal ecological structure, ...: a) Water courses and their banks; b) Areas allocated to the RAN; c) Areas allocated to REN; d) PROF do Tâmega ecological corridor; e) Forest conservation spaces; f) Natural spaces; g) Urban green spaces.... 2 — The municipal ecological structure.... SECTION I Ecological structure in rural soil Article 20 Regime 1 — In the areas covered.... 2 — In those referred to in the previous paragraph.... 3 — In areas covered by the ecological structure on rural land, the following are permitted: a) Installation of basic infrastructure and the opening of new streets, as well as expansion of existing buildings up to 0.3 times the construction area of the existing building and up to a maximum of 300 m2, including the existing construction, when intended for housing, enterprises housing tourism and tourism enterprises in rural areas with a maximum occupancy rate (Io) of 20%; b) Facilities intended for...; c) Research and exploration...; d) The exploitation of natural mineral waters and mining-industrial waters. Article 24 Architectural heritage a) The Architectural Heritage referred to in this article includes: i) Classified heritage...; ii) Properties, sets...; b) Any intervention in the architectural heritage classified or in the process of being classified is subject to a prior opinion from the guardianship body in accordance with the law; c) Any intervention in the inventoried architectural heritage is subject to an opinion by the competent municipal services of the city council, and must be based on the principle of safeguarding and enhancing the property or inventoried area, respecting its essential characteristics; d) Total or partial demolition...: i) For exceptional reasons of clear public interest; ii) As long as the individual f...; iii) For reasons that call into question...; iv) Manifest degradation...; e) In demolition works.... CHAPTER VI Flood zones Article 25 Description 1 — Flood zones, .... Article 26 Regime 1 — Without prejudice to the provisions of legislation...: a) In flood zones integrated into urbanized land: i) Works are permitted...; ii) The construction of landfills is not permitted; b) In flood zones integrated into Ecological Structure on Urban Land: i) Constructions are permitted...; ii) The construction of landfills is not permitted; c) In flood zones integrated into rural land: i) Any type of construction is prohibited; ii) Adstri installations are permitted tas.... 2 — They constitute an exception to the previous number, .... SECTION I Ecological structure in rural soil Article 20 Regime 1 — In areas covered by the ecological structure.... 2 — In those referred to in the previous paragraph.... 3 — In areas covered by the ecological structure on rural soil, the following are permitted: a) Installation of basic infrastructure and the opening of new streets, as well as expansion of existing buildings up to 0.3 times the construction area of the existing building and up to a maximum of 300 m2, including the existing construction, when intended for housing, enterprises housing tourism and tourism enterprises in rural areas with a maximum occupancy rate (Io) of 20%; b) Facilities intended for...; c) Research and exploration...; d) The exploitation of natural mineral waters and mining-industrial waters. Land in Alvelo and Pisão (2/2) Analyze the land adjacent to Road N320 and the football field. Supporting documentation from Marco de Canaveses City Council available for analysis by the mediator. Feasibility is highlighted in bold and underlined. - Planning Plan: - Rural Land – Production Forest Spaces - Rural Land – Agricultural Spaces - Municipal Ecological Structure on Rural soil - Conditioning Plant: - Terrestrial protection zone for Torrão - National Agricultural Reserve - RAN Extracts from the PDM Regulation: Agricultural or forestry spaces Article 36 Definition and dominant uses 1 — Depending on your aptitude...: a) Agricultural spaces: ...; b) Forest spaces...; c) Forest production spaces: ...; d) Spaces for multiple agricultural and forestry uses: areas occupied either by agro-silvo-pastoral systems or by alternating and functionally complementary agricultural uses. 2 — Integrated soils.... 3 — In agricultural areas.... Article 37 Uses compatible with the dominant use 1 — In addition to actions...: a) Support facilities...; b) Residential buildings; c) Equipment aimed at uses of public interest and infrastructure; d) Tourist enterprises, local accommodation and recreational and leisure activities; e) Special installations, .... 2 — The buildings,...: a) Do not negatively affect ...; b) As long as it is fulfilled...; c) Be assured by interested parties.... Article 38 Facilities to support agricultural, livestock and forestry activities 1 — Construction of facilities.... 2 — Construction of facilities.... 3 — Construction is permitted.... 4 — In forest spaces.... Article 39 Residential buildings 1 — Building in forest conservation areas is prohibited. 2 — New constructions are permitted..., the typology is single-family and it is cumulatively verified that: a) The minimum area of the building is two hectares; b) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; c) The height of the facade of the buildings...; d) The utilization rate...; e) The construction is served by public roads, with a minimum frontage of 20 meters of land. 3 — New constructions are permitted...: a) The interested party...; b) Does not exist...; c) The building has a minimum area of one hectare; d) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; e) The height of the facade...; f) The utilization rate...; g) The construction is served by public roads, with a minimum frontage of 20 meters of land. 4 — It is admitted.... Article 40 Tourist, recreational and leisure developments 1 — Allow...: a) The building must have a minimum of 1 hectare; b) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; c) The height of the facade.... 2 — In this case.... 3 — Constructions are permitted.... 4 — Allow yourself.... 5 — In existing buildings.... Article 41 Equipment and infrastructure of public interest Allowed to...: a) Comply with paragraph 1 of article 12; b) Maximum facade height less than 9 meters; c) Land occupation index (Io) must not exceed 30%. Article 42 Special installations The facilities... CHAPTER IV Municipal ecological structure Article 19 Identification 1 — The structure...: a) Water courses and their banks; b) Areas allocated to the RAN; c) Areas allocated to REN; d) PROF do Tâmega ecological corridor; e) Forest conservation spaces; f) Natural spaces; g) Green spaces.... 2 — The ecological structure..... SECTION I Ecological structure in rural soil Article 20 Regime 1 — In the areas covered.... 2 — In the aforementioned.... 3 — In areas covered by the ecological structure on rural land, the following are permitted: a) Installation of infrastructures...; b) Facilities intended for...; c) Research and exploration...; d) The exploitation of natural mineral waters and mining-industrial waters. SECTION I Ecological structure in rural soil Article 20 Regime 1 — In the areas.... 2 — In the aforementioned.... 3 — In the areas covered...; b) Facilities intended...; c) Research and exploration...; d) The exploitation of natural mineral waters and mining-industrial waters. Grades: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers to your clients and contact me to arrange 3 razões para comprar com a Zome + acompanhamento Com uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Zome põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o melhor acompanhamento, orientando-o com a máxima confiança, na direção certa das suas necessidades e ambições. Daqui para a frente, vamos criar uma relação próxima e escutar com atenção as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, e que estamos consigo sempre. + simples Os consultores Zome têm uma formação única no mercado, ancorada na partilha de experiência prática entre profissionais e fortalecida pelo conhecimento de neurociência aplicada que lhes permite simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária. Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque na Zome encontra o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e multidisciplinar que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspetos fundamentais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as expectativas. + feliz O nosso maior valor é entregar-lhe felicidade! Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz. Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados. Com a Zome nunca vai estar perdido ou desacompanhado e encontrará algo que não tem preço: a sua máxima tranquilidade! É assim que se vai sentir ao longo de toda a experiência: Tranquilo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ! Notas: 1. Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita. 2. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão.

land  41.7ha

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse Gondomar (Portugal)

The main building of the property was the subject of an intervention to modernize networks and infrastructures and is also complemented by a small private chapel.The secondary house corresponds to an old workhouse supporting the main house, maintaining some of its most important original characteristics.The third building is a contemporary construction designed for family events with 2 halls, separate bathrooms for F/M, an office, and an industrial kitchen with a capacity for around 100 people.This property located in Lomba, in Gondomar, is less than 25 minutes from the center of Porto and has a privileged view over the Douro River and vast gardens with an outdoor swimming pool and tennis court.With a total land area of 19,545 sqm, gross construction area of 590.00 sqm, nine bedrooms, thirteen bathrooms, office, living and dining rooms, and a large parking space, it consists of a rustic and urban article.

land  2ha

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse Felgueiras (Portugal)

19th century farmhouse, located in Felgueiras, with manor house, housekeeper, tang, garage, pigsty, stables and wine cellar, plus another housing of two floors in ruins.The Palacete is in good condition, consisting of 2 floors with 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, laundry and a room with altar characteristic of the time.In front of it has a romantic-style garden with lakes and patio with spring water.Fully walled, it has several accesses for vehicles and also pedestrian access.With an area of 2 hectares, ideal for vineyards, given the fertility of the soil.This wonderful farm house is the ideal place to become an event farm, rural tourism venue and eventually a rest center for the elderly or clinic.This is the opportunity to create your business in a wonderful place full of history!!Come meet!!

land  2ha

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse Penafiel (Portugal)

It is in the heart of northern Portugal, ( Penafiel ) that we find this majestic mansion of 4 fronts, whose unique dimensions and characteristics transport us to the time where the cream of society strolled there, delighting in its stunning architecture and letting onet be captivated by the exquisite green spaces.With a land that extends over an area of more than 80 thousand m2, 20 minutes from Porto, quick access to the A4, and next to the train station with direct connection to Porto.With several suites, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, games, music and entrance hall, every noar of this mansion is rich in noble materials, preserving in all rooms the aristocratic elegance that characterizes it since its construction.In parallel with the interior areas, also the garden is a weighty argument of this propertyIt is being completely refurbished, the mansion has entered with class in the new century, being endowed with swimming pool and tennis court.Already completed stables, picaria, etc.....Property with 3 km of paths that will have Portuguese sidewalk.Various gardens, fruit trees, vineyards and much more.This wonderful property would make a spacious family home There is also the possibility to create an exclusive hotel or retreat, rural tourism, horse riding school... The options for the new owners are endless!Het is in het hart van het noorden van Portugal (Penafiel) dat we dit majestueuze paleis op 4 fronten vinden, waarvan de unieke afmetingen en kenmerken ons meenemen naar de tijd dat het neusje van de samenleving daar slenterde, genietend van de verbluffende architectuur en het vertrek laat u betoveren door de prachtige groene ruimtes.Met een land dat zich uitstrekt over een oppervlakte van meer dan 80 duizend m2, 20 minuten van Porto, snelle toegang tot de A4 en naast het treinstation met directe verbinding naar Porto.Met verschillende suites, slaapkamers, woonkamers, eetkamers, spelletjes, muziek en een inkomhal, is elke hoek van dit paleis rijk aan edele materialen, waardoor in elke kamer de aristocratische elegantie behouden blijft die het sinds de bouw kenmerkt.Parallel aan de binnenruimtes is ook de tuin een belangrijk argument voor deze woningHet wordt volledig gerenoveerd, het herenhuis is in de nieuwe eeuw met klasse binnengegaan, met een zwembad en een tennisbaan.Reeds ingevulde stallen, steaks, etc... ..Eigendom met 3 km paden met Portugese bestrating.Diverse tuinen, fruitbomen, wijnstokken en nog veel meer.Deze prachtige woning zou een ruime gezinswoning worden. Er is ook de mogelijkheid om een exclusief hotel of retreat te creëren, plattelandstoerisme, een school met apparatuur ... De mogelijkheden voor nieuwe eigenaren zijn eindeloos!It is in the heart of the North of Portugal, (Penafiel) that we find this majestic palace on 4 fronts, whose unique dimensions and characteristics transport us to the time when the cream of society strolled there, delighting in its stunning architecture and leaving being captivated by the exquisite green spaces.With a land that extends over an area of more than 80 thousand m2, 20 minutes from Porto, quick access to the A4, and next to the train station with direct connection to Porto.With several suites, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, games, music and an entrance hall, each corner of this palace is rich in noble materials, preserving in every room the aristocratic elegance that has characterized it since its construction.In parallel with the interior areas, the garden is also an important argument for this propertyIt is being completely refurbished, the mansion entered with class in the new century, with a swimming pool and a tennis court.Already completed stables, steaks, etc... ..Property with 3 km of paths that will have Portuguese pavement.Several gardens, fruit trees, vines and much more.This wonderful property would make a spacious family home. There is also the possibility to create an exclusive hotel or retreat, rural tourism, a school of equipments... The options for new owners are endless!C'est au cur du nord du Portugal (Penafiel) que nous trouvons ce palais majestueux sur 4 fronts, dont les dimensions et les caractéristiques uniques nous transportent au temps où la crème de la société s'y promenait, se délectant de son architecture étonnante et partant être captivé par les espaces verts exquis.Avec un terrain qui s'étend sur une superficie de plus de 80 000 m2, à 20 minutes de Porto, accès rapide à l'A4 et à côté de la gare avec connexion directe à Porto.Avec plusieurs suites, chambres, salons, salles à manger, jeux, musique et un hall d'entrée, chaque coin de ce palais est riche en matériaux nobles, préservant dans chaque pièce l'élégance aristocratique qui le caractérise depuis sa construction.Parallèlement aux espaces intérieurs, le jardin est également un argument important pour cette propriétéIl est en cours de rénovation, le manoir est entré avec classe au nouveau siècle, avec une piscine et un court de tennis.Ecuries, steaks, etc.... déjà terminésPropriété avec 3 km de sentiers qui auront un trottoir portugais.Plusieurs gardens, arbres fruitiers, vignes et bien plus encore.Cette magnifique propriété ferait une maison familiale spacieuse Il y a aussi la possibilité de créer un hôtel ou une retraite exclusive, le tourisme rural, une école d'équipements ... Les options pour les nouveaux propriétaires sont infinies!

land  8ha

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse with pool Maia (Portugal)

Do not miss this opportunity. Mark your visit!All of our Properties are on a 50/50% sharing basis with all Real Estate Agents!A CASA DA PORTELA Imobiliária – It is a real estate brokerage company created in 2013 and has a solid knowledge accumulated since 1999 about the real estate market, keeping an eye on its trends and evolution. The company began by focusing on the Greater Porto region, achieving, from the beginning, a large volume of transactions. The success of the business model led to the Casa da Portela Imobiliária brand reaching Marco de Canaveses in 2018 and Vila Nova de Famalicão in 2022. Casa da Portela intends to value the work of consultants and provide an excellent service to its customers, providing a quality service and peace of mind in order to do good business, guaranteeing the satisfaction of our customers and partners. To achieve this purpose, we have a multidisciplinary team of qualified professionals with extensive experience in real estate that allows us to present and suggest the best alternatives for your sales, lease or real estate investment objectives.We have a privileged network of contacts that allows us to enhance the dissemination, management and implementation of your property business in various formats.3 fundamental pillars of Casa da Portela:MissionOur mission is to guide our exceptional goals (financial, human and social) in our organization and unite them with our no less exceptional customers, always meeting their needs, desires and expectations. Casa da Portela real estate was born to provide continuous monitoring and support, explanations and clarification of doubts about the entire process of buying, selling or renting real estate in Portugal. The achievement of all this makes our ultimate ambition to be the best in the real estate market.VisionOur vision is to be the reference company in the real estate market, as well as to be recognized as the best option for our customers. For this, we always strive to maintain an innovative and leadership spirit that will lead us to recognition for our excellence in the market.ValuesOur values ​​are always the set of our attitudes and beliefs, which involve everyone in the organization, so that, in unison, we can achieve the results of excellence that we propose, whenever they are based on Quality, Professionalism, Responsibility, Respect and Innovation

land  1.2ha

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal)

Wonderful centenary homestead, with a lot of history, boasting all the beauty, naturally according to the parchments inherent to this palace, incredibly located very close, to the entire nerve center of Vila Nova de Gaia / Porto, in the parish of Mafamude and Vilar do Paraíso .Ex: - 18 Kms from the Airport (although it is already in Matosinhos).2 Kms from the various motorways (A1; A29; A44; etc.)2.6 Kms from the train station.4.0 Kms from the Metro station2 km from the golf course4 km from the beaches

land  5.6ha

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal)

Excellent Quinta in Valadares with sea viewCalm environment, you can enjoy the countryside in the heart of the cityIn addition to the Main Building, there is a building for events/banquets with capacity for 250 peopleIt has 2 indoor pools, adults and children, Gym, Jacuzzi, SaunaA Beautiful Orchard and a Pleasant Garden with a WaterfallReasons to buy with Casa da Portela:CASA DA PORTELA Imobiliária – Is a real estate company created in 2013, which aims to value the work of consultants and provide an excellent service to its customers. It has a solid knowledge accumulated since 1999 on the real estate market, keeping an eye on its trends and evolution. The model that inspired the creation of Casa da Portela is a success in Canada. “Right at home Realty” is the leader in the country and already has 4000 agents operating in the region.The company started by focusing on the Greater Porto region, achieving, from the beginning, a large volume of transactions. The success of the business model made the Casa da Portela brand reach Marco de Canavezes in 2018.3 fundamental pillars of Casa da Portela:MissionOur mission is to guide our exceptional objectives (financial, human and social) in our organization and unite them with our no less exceptional customers, always meeting their needs, desires and expectations. Casa da Portela was born so that it was possible to provide continuous monitoring and support, explanation and clarification of doubts, about the entire process of buying, selling or renting real estate in Portugal. The realization of all this makes our ultimate ambition to be the best in the real estate market.VisionOur vision is to be the reference company in the real estate market, as well as being recognized as the best option for our customers. For this, we always strive to maintain an innovative spirit and leadership that will lead us to recognition for our excellence in the market.ValuesOur values ​​are always the set of our attitudes and beliefs, which involve all the people in the organization, so that, in unison, we can achieve the results of excellence that we propose, always based on Quality, Professionalism, Responsibility, Respect and Innovation.

land  1.1ha

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse Maia (Portugal)

Quinta da Granja, on the outskirts of Porto, has a magnificent lounge / tent with a capacity for 220 people.The set formed by the Solar, Chapel and Gardens of the century. XVIII are classified as monumental set of interest.The beautiful chapel in baroque carving, and the gardens (mentioned in the work Jardins Históricos de Portugal) of camellias and boxwood are a place of extreme refinement for weddings, parties, meetings and other events.The ease of access and parking outside, as well as the close proximity to the city of Porto, are other reasons of great interest.

land  4,708

By Annonceur International


Farmhouse Amarante (Portugal)

Property ID: ZMPT547958 VIRTUAL TOUR: you can now visit this property without leaving the comfort of your sofa. Look for the virtual tour available in this ad and get to know the corners to your new home! Farm T4 located in Gondar, municipality of Amarante. It has the following characteristics: MAIN FEATURES: • Property consisting of 3 articles, with a total area of 12,440 m2 • Includes main villa of typology T4, totally renovated, with swimming pool, guest house, house of the caretaker, garage, chapel, granary, vineyards with production of green wine and land • The villa is equipped with central heating system, central vacuum, windows with double glazing, solar panels, a renovated and a regional kitchen, two fireplaces, games room, underfloor heating, home automation system and ATI, video surveillance, among other equipment • The garage can accommodate 3 to 4 vehicles, and it is also possible to store more cars inside the property • The chapel was completely renovated 16 years ago, with the altar covered with gold leaf GENERAL AREAS: • Total land area - 12.440 m2 • Vineyard area - 5,000 m2 (approximate area) • Area of the main villa - 396 m2 • Area of implantation of the villa - 217 m2 • Outdoor areas associated with the villa (terraces, porches and others) - 31 m2 • Garage area - 90 m2 • Guest house area - 60 m2 (approximate) • Chapel area - 45 m2 (approximate) • Area of the caretaker's house (to rehabilitate) - 120 m2 (approximate) INTERIOR AREAS OF THE VILLA - FLOOR 0: • Main hall - 16.25 m2: Located in the central area of the house, it allows access to most of the divisions on the ground floor, as well as the connection to the upper floor of the rooms. • Full bathroom - 5.20 m2: It is located next to the entrance hall and has a shower hanger with hydromassage column, suspended sanitary ware, heated towel rail and window. • Living room - 29.86 m2: It has a fireplace and connection to the outdoor porch, which has access to the pool. • Dining room - 23.15 m2: Located in the continuity of the living room, connected to it through a stone wall in sight. It also has access to the porch and swimming pool, as well as the connection to the kitchen. • Kitchen - 16.15 m2: Completely modernized and equipped, with island in the center. It has access to the outside and has pantry and laundry support. • Pantry - 4.00 m2: With natural light, it offers additional storage space to the kitchen. • Laundry - 5.52 m2: Also with access from the kitchen, it has natural light. • Games room - 38.24 m2: With access from the entrance hall, it has connection to the outside, namely to the garage area and the main entrance in the farm. INTERIOR AREAS OF THE VILLA - FLOOR 1: • Distribution hall - 13.26 m2: Allows the connection between the two floors and distribution to the corridor of the rooms. • Corridor - 14.27 m2: Circulation space and access to the bedrooms, suite and a complete bathroom. • Suite - 19.35 m2: It has a built-in closet, dressing room (closet), complete private bathroom and a terrace with 25.85 m2. • Bathroom suite - 5.05 m2: Complete sanitary installation with heated towel rail, natural light, suspended crockery and whirlpool bath. • Rooms - 11.98 m2 / 12.03 m2 / 10.10 m2: They have plenty of light and privacy, all being served by built-in cabinets. • Full bathroom - 5.42 m2: Sanitary installation to support the three bedrooms, with two washbasins, natural light, suspended crockery and shower cabin with hydromassage column. • Office - 13.02 m2: It currently works as a library with built-in shelves, with access through the distribution hall. • Full bathroom - 3.88 m2: Located next to the office, it has natural light, heated towel rail and shower cabin with hydromassage column. • Living room - 22.35 m2: It is located at the opposite end of the rooms. With access through the hall, it allows interior access to regional cuisine. • Regional cuisine - 23.30 m2: It works separately from the rest of the house, with direct access from the outside and also with connection to the interior through the lounge. It is equipped and features a fireplace. INTERIOR AREAS OF THE GUEST HOUSE: • Ground floor - Composed of storage, engine room and gas house • Upper floor - Composed of a renovated 1 bedroom kitchenet housing, with living room and kitchen in open space, bedroom and a bathroom. INTERIOR AREAS OF THE GARAGE: • Large space for parking 3 to 4 vehicles and approximately 80 m2 of total area • Storage with access from the outside with an approximate area of 10 m2 INTERIOR AREAS OF THE CHAPEL: • Open space, with a floor area of 16.70 m2. The finishes and altar were fully restored about 16 years ago. The altar is worked, with gold leaf cladding. INTERIOR AREAS OF THE HOUSE OF THE CARETAKER: • Construction in need of works, with approximately 120 m2 of total area, being amenable to rehabilitation. A recovery project of this house has been developed, which can be presented to potential interested parties if desired. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND OTHER VALENCES: • Two solar panels installed on the roof (villa) for heating sanitary waters • Central vacuum system • Diesel central heating • Electric underfloor heating in the rooms • Windows with aluminium frames and double glazing, with exterior shutters in brown wood • Floors mostly in floors (with ceramics in the kitchens and bathrooms) • Ambient sound system • Built-in lighting • Motion sensors in circulation zones • Suspended ceilings with luminous ceilings • Alarm and intrusion detection system • Video surveillance system •Automation • Telecommunications box (ATI) • Land with 50 fruit trees • Vineyards (with approximately 5,000 m2) with annual production of 10 barrels of white green wine • Security door • Two fireplaces (living room and regional kitchen) • Built-in cabinets in all rooms and in the circulation areas of the house • All bathrooms are equipped with heated towel rails and hydromassage • Water hole • Mine water • Garage with two automatic gates • Swimming pool and garden • Kitchen equipped with: oven and electric hob, extractor fan, dishwasher, fridge and washing machine (laundry) • Regional kitchen equipped with: gas hob, electric oven, extractor fan and dishwasher. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • Original construction prior to 1951, being exempt from license of use • Energy certificate valid until 2031 • IMI - 208,11 € (annual value) • Possibility of benefiting from exemption from part of IMI in the first 3 years, in the case of use for own and permanent housing (article 46 of the EBF - NEARBY POINTS AND DISTANCES: • 550 m from the Church of Santa Maria de Gondar (7 min. walk) • 700 m from Praia do Afonso - tourist attraction (10 min. walk) • 1.0 km from Xandoca restaurant (3 min. by car) • 1.5 km from CTT station (3 min. by car) • 1.7 km from Cantinho Fresco grocery store (3 min. by car) • 1.7 km from Casa Silva restaurant (3 min. by car) • 1.8 km from Seara Doce pastry shop (3 min. by car) • 1.8 km from the park of Larim River Beach (4 min. by car) • 2.0 km from Taberna de Larim restaurant (4 min. by car) • 2.1 km from Quinta de Palmazões - events and catering (4 min. by car) • 2.6 km from the access to the A4 (4 min. by car) • 2.7 km from the Sumidas bathing area (6 min. by car) • 5.3 km from Amarante Bus Terminal (9 min. by car) • 5.7 km from the Basic School of the 1st Cycle of Madalena (10 min. by car) • 5.8 km from Colégio São Gonçalo de Amarante (10 min. by car) • 6.2 km from the Amadeo Souza Cardoso Municipal Museum in Amarante (11 min. by car) • 6.3 km from São Gonçalo Bridge in Amarante (11 min. by car) • 6.5 km from the Minipreço de Amarante supermarket (11 min. by car) • 6.6 km from the river beach Aurora de Amarante (15 min. by car) • 6.9 km from the center of Amarante (11 min. by car) • 7.3 km from the Family Health Unit of Amarante (14 min. by car) • 8.0 km from the Intermarché de Amarante supermarket (15 min. by car) • 8.0 km from EB 2/3 School of Amarante (15 min. by car) This could be your next home! Contact us to know more information about this unique farm in Gondar, Amarante, renovated and composed of villa with pool, garden areas, vineyards, garage and several dependencies. We will be happy to help make the purchase of this property a reality. 3 reasons to buy with Zome + follow-up With a unique preparation and experience in the real estate market, Zome consultants put all their dedication into giving you the best accompaniment, guiding you with the utmost confidence, in the right direction of your needs and ambitions. Going forward, we will create a close relationship and listen carefully to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel that you are accompanied, and that we are always with you. + simple Zome consultants have a unique training in the market, anchored in the sharing of practical experience between professionals and strengthened by the knowledge of applied neuroscience that allows them to simplify and make more effective their real estate experience. Leave behind the bureaucratic nightmares because at Zome you will find the full support of an experienced and multidisciplinary team that gives you practical support in all fundamental aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds expectations. + happy Our greatest value is to deliver you happiness! Free yourself from worries and earn the quality time you need to devote to what makes you the happiest. We take action every day to bring more value to your life with the reliable advice you need to achieve the best results together. With Zome you will never be lost or unaccompanied and you will find something that is priceless: your maximum peace of mind! This is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Quiet, safe, comfortable and... HAPPY! Notes: 1. If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit. 2. For easier identification of this property, please refer to the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent who sent you the suggestion.

land  1.2ha

By Annonceur International


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  • Porto District, Portugal
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