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luxury apartments for sale Marco de Canaveses, Portugal

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Farmhouse Marco de Canaveses (Portugal)

Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT564565 Property available for visits, by prior appointment with the consultant, identification document required. Farm with approximately 42 Hectares (approx. 418,520 m2) in Vila Boa do Bispo, Municipality of Marco de Canaveses, facing the Tâmega River for an extension of approximately 750 meters. This is a Property With Extraordinary and Diversified Investment Potential: BENEFITS: WATER, the Greatest and Most Fundamental Current and Future Resource for Humanity Without Which There is No Life, which alone brings Extraordinary Present and Future Value and Potential, In ACQUISITION, all the benefits inherent to the purchase of a Company only with its assets and free from any other type of responsibilities, Possibility of access to Community FUNDS (depending on the investment to be made), namely Portugal 2030 and others., Possibility of Municipal support and incentives (depending on the investment to be made and the interest for the Region), POTENTIAL TOURISM, in its most varied and diversified options, all of them with a strong and high potential such as Rural, Mountainous, Exploration, Aquatic, Sports…, BUYING AND SELLING PROPERTIES, As a pure Investment to make a profit later or for Renting, OTHER BUSINESSES, arising from the type of business to be associated with the Property PRODUCT The Company has as Assets the following Properties according to Land Registries: - 3 (Three) Urban Items in a Total of 1,584 m2 - 7 (Seven) Rustic Items in a Total of 416,936 m2 FEASIBILITIES ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT PDM REGULATION OF MARCO DE CANAVESES Land in Alvelo and Pisão (1/2) Analyze the land adjacent to Rio – Casa de Alvelo and Capela. Supporting documentation from Marco de Canaveses City Council available for analysis by the mediator. Feasibility is highlighted in bold and underlined. Planning Plan: Rural Soil – Production Forest Spaces Flood zone Municipal Ecological Structure on Rural Land Architectural Heritage VBB23 – Alvelo House and Chapel Conditioning Plant: Torrão Terrestrial Protection Zone Reserved Area of Albufeira do Torrão REN areas Extracts from the PDM Regulation: Agricultural or forestry spaces Article 36 Definition and dominant uses 1 — Depending on their suitability, agricultural and forestry areas are divided into the following subcategories: a) Agricultural spaces: areas mainly used for agricultural activities, integrating RAN soils and complementary agricultural land; b) Forest conservation spaces: areas of forest suitability which include populations of indigenous forest species with the aim of promoting their natural regeneration and increasing the landscape mosaic; c) Forest production spaces: areas of forest suitability that include forest patches located on land suitable for use and economic exploitation. They also include areas with steeper slopes, which have a high level of susceptibility to erosion and the slopes of water courses, with a protective function; d) .... 2 — The soils integrated into these spaces.... 3 — In agricultural or forestry areas.... Article 37 Uses compatible with the dominant use 1 — In addition to the actions referred to in the previous article, the following installations, works, uses and activities are considered compatible with the dominant use: a) Facilities to support livestock, forestry and agricultural activities if authorized by the RAN Regional Entity; b) Residential buildings; c) Equipment aimed at uses of public interest and infrastructure; d) Tourist enterprises, local accommodation and recreational and leisure activities; e) Special installations, .... 2 — The buildings,...: The) ...; B) ...; w) .... Article 38 Facilities to support agricultural, livestock and forestry activities 1 — The construction.... 2 — The construction.... 3 — Construction is permitted.... 4 — In production forestry spaces.... Article 39 Residential buildings 1 — Building in forest conservation areas is prohibited. 2 — New constructions for housing purposes are permitted in production forestry spaces as long as it is a single-family house and only for the owner's own residence and respective households or holder of the exploration right, as long as the typology is single-family and if check, cumulatively, that: a) The minimum area of the building is two hectares; b) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; c) The height of the facade...; d) The utilization rate...; e) The construction is served by public roads, with a minimum frontage of 20 meters of land. 3 — Are allowed...: a) The interested party is a farmer, ...; b) There is no other building...; c) The building has a minimum area of one hectare; d) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; e) The height of the facade of the buildings...; f) The land use index (Iu) is 0.02, and the waterproofing area cannot exceed 300 m2; g) The construction is served by public roads, with a minimum frontage of 20 meters of land. 4 — The expansion of pre-existing legally licensed buildings is permitted, provided that the height of the buildings' facade cannot exceed 6 meters, the difference in level from the threshold to the ground is a maximum of 6 meters, and the waterproofing area exceeds 300 m2. Article 40 Tourist, recreational and leisure developments 1 — Constructions for tourist developments and recreational and leisure developments are permitted if it is verified that: a) The building must have a minimum of 1 hectare; b) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; c) The height of the building facade cannot exceed 9 meters, except for hotel establishments where the facade height cannot exceed 15 meters; d) The land use index (Iu) is 0.02. 2 — In the case of tourism enterprises in rural areas and residential tourism enterprises licensed on the date of entry into force of the PDM, conservation and reconstruction works are permitted on existing buildings and their expansion up to 50%, depending on the height of the facade does not exceed 9 meters or the existing one if higher. 3 — Complementary constructions for leisure equipment and support to the main building are permitted, not exceeding 10% of the overall area of implementation. 4 — Tourist, recreational and leisure ventures associated with the use of the natural conditions of rural soils and not covered by paragraph 1 of this article are permitted, as long as they are subject to a Detailed Plan and the natural values and landscape of the site. 5 — In existing buildings or those to be constructed for this purpose, the installation of commercial uses and services, namely restaurants and drinks, is permitted, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 37. Article 41 Equipment and infrastructure of public interest The construction of equipment for uses in the public interest is permitted,...: a) Comply with paragraph 1 of article 12; b) Maximum facade height less than 9 meters; c) Land occupation index (Io) must not exceed 30%. Article 42 Special installations Special installations permitted on an exceptional basis will only be authorized as long as they do not jeopardize archaeological, environmental values or fundamental ecological systems, in addition to scrupulous compliance with the provisions of general and specific law, applicable to each situation. CHAPTER IV Municipal ecological structure Article 19 Identification 1 — The municipal ecological structure, ...: a) Water courses and their banks; b) Areas allocated to the RAN; c) Areas allocated to REN; d) PROF do Tâmega ecological corridor; e) Forest conservation spaces; f) Natural spaces; g) Urban green spaces.... 2 — The municipal ecological structure.... SECTION I Ecological structure in rural soil Article 20 Regime 1 — In the areas covered.... 2 — In those referred to in the previous paragraph.... 3 — In areas covered by the ecological structure on rural land, the following are permitted: a) Installation of basic infrastructure and the opening of new streets, as well as expansion of existing buildings up to 0.3 times the construction area of the existing building and up to a maximum of 300 m2, including the existing construction, when intended for housing, enterprises housing tourism and tourism enterprises in rural areas with a maximum occupancy rate (Io) of 20%; b) Facilities intended for...; c) Research and exploration...; d) The exploitation of natural mineral waters and mining-industrial waters. Article 24 Architectural heritage a) The Architectural Heritage referred to in this article includes: i) Classified heritage...; ii) Properties, sets...; b) Any intervention in the architectural heritage classified or in the process of being classified is subject to a prior opinion from the guardianship body in accordance with the law; c) Any intervention in the inventoried architectural heritage is subject to an opinion by the competent municipal services of the city council, and must be based on the principle of safeguarding and enhancing the property or inventoried area, respecting its essential characteristics; d) Total or partial demolition...: i) For exceptional reasons of clear public interest; ii) As long as the individual f...; iii) For reasons that call into question...; iv) Manifest degradation...; e) In demolition works.... CHAPTER VI Flood zones Article 25 Description 1 — Flood zones, .... Article 26 Regime 1 — Without prejudice to the provisions of legislation...: a) In flood zones integrated into urbanized land: i) Works are permitted...; ii) The construction of landfills is not permitted; b) In flood zones integrated into Ecological Structure on Urban Land: i) Constructions are permitted...; ii) The construction of landfills is not permitted; c) In flood zones integrated into rural land: i) Any type of construction is prohibited; ii) Adstri installations are permitted tas.... 2 — They constitute an exception to the previous number, .... SECTION I Ecological structure in rural soil Article 20 Regime 1 — In areas covered by the ecological structure.... 2 — In those referred to in the previous paragraph.... 3 — In areas covered by the ecological structure on rural soil, the following are permitted: a) Installation of basic infrastructure and the opening of new streets, as well as expansion of existing buildings up to 0.3 times the construction area of the existing building and up to a maximum of 300 m2, including the existing construction, when intended for housing, enterprises housing tourism and tourism enterprises in rural areas with a maximum occupancy rate (Io) of 20%; b) Facilities intended for...; c) Research and exploration...; d) The exploitation of natural mineral waters and mining-industrial waters. Land in Alvelo and Pisão (2/2) Analyze the land adjacent to Road N320 and the football field. Supporting documentation from Marco de Canaveses City Council available for analysis by the mediator. Feasibility is highlighted in bold and underlined. - Planning Plan: - Rural Land – Production Forest Spaces - Rural Land – Agricultural Spaces - Municipal Ecological Structure on Rural soil - Conditioning Plant: - Terrestrial protection zone for Torrão - National Agricultural Reserve - RAN Extracts from the PDM Regulation: Agricultural or forestry spaces Article 36 Definition and dominant uses 1 — Depending on your aptitude...: a) Agricultural spaces: ...; b) Forest spaces...; c) Forest production spaces: ...; d) Spaces for multiple agricultural and forestry uses: areas occupied either by agro-silvo-pastoral systems or by alternating and functionally complementary agricultural uses. 2 — Integrated soils.... 3 — In agricultural areas.... Article 37 Uses compatible with the dominant use 1 — In addition to actions...: a) Support facilities...; b) Residential buildings; c) Equipment aimed at uses of public interest and infrastructure; d) Tourist enterprises, local accommodation and recreational and leisure activities; e) Special installations, .... 2 — The buildings,...: a) Do not negatively affect ...; b) As long as it is fulfilled...; c) Be assured by interested parties.... Article 38 Facilities to support agricultural, livestock and forestry activities 1 — Construction of facilities.... 2 — Construction of facilities.... 3 — Construction is permitted.... 4 — In forest spaces.... Article 39 Residential buildings 1 — Building in forest conservation areas is prohibited. 2 — New constructions are permitted..., the typology is single-family and it is cumulatively verified that: a) The minimum area of the building is two hectares; b) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; c) The height of the facade of the buildings...; d) The utilization rate...; e) The construction is served by public roads, with a minimum frontage of 20 meters of land. 3 — New constructions are permitted...: a) The interested party...; b) Does not exist...; c) The building has a minimum area of one hectare; d) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; e) The height of the facade...; f) The utilization rate...; g) The construction is served by public roads, with a minimum frontage of 20 meters of land. 4 — It is admitted.... Article 40 Tourist, recreational and leisure developments 1 — Allow...: a) The building must have a minimum of 1 hectare; b) Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 13; c) The height of the facade.... 2 — In this case.... 3 — Constructions are permitted.... 4 — Allow yourself.... 5 — In existing buildings.... Article 41 Equipment and infrastructure of public interest Allowed to...: a) Comply with paragraph 1 of article 12; b) Maximum facade height less than 9 meters; c) Land occupation index (Io) must not exceed 30%. Article 42 Special installations The facilities... CHAPTER IV Municipal ecological structure Article 19 Identification 1 — The structure...: a) Water courses and their banks; b) Areas allocated to the RAN; c) Areas allocated to REN; d) PROF do Tâmega ecological corridor; e) Forest conservation spaces; f) Natural spaces; g) Green spaces.... 2 — The ecological structure..... SECTION I Ecological structure in rural soil Article 20 Regime 1 — In the areas covered.... 2 — In the aforementioned.... 3 — In areas covered by the ecological structure on rural land, the following are permitted: a) Installation of infrastructures...; b) Facilities intended for...; c) Research and exploration...; d) The exploitation of natural mineral waters and mining-industrial waters. SECTION I Ecological structure in rural soil Article 20 Regime 1 — In the areas.... 2 — In the aforementioned.... 3 — In the areas covered...; b) Facilities intended...; c) Research and exploration...; d) The exploitation of natural mineral waters and mining-industrial waters. Grades: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers to your clients and contact me to arrange 3 razões para comprar com a Zome + acompanhamento Com uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Zome põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o melhor acompanhamento, orientando-o com a máxima confiança, na direção certa das suas necessidades e ambições. Daqui para a frente, vamos criar uma relação próxima e escutar com atenção as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, e que estamos consigo sempre. + simples Os consultores Zome têm uma formação única no mercado, ancorada na partilha de experiência prática entre profissionais e fortalecida pelo conhecimento de neurociência aplicada que lhes permite simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária. Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque na Zome encontra o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e multidisciplinar que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspetos fundamentais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as expectativas. + feliz O nosso maior valor é entregar-lhe felicidade! Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz. Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados. Com a Zome nunca vai estar perdido ou desacompanhado e encontrará algo que não tem preço: a sua máxima tranquilidade! É assim que se vai sentir ao longo de toda a experiência: Tranquilo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ! Notas: 1. Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita. 2. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão.

land  41.7ha

By Annonceur International


Apartment Marco de Canaveses (Portugal)

Quinta da VeigaOld manor house located on a farm with 27,700m2.It also has 3 more houses, two of which have already been restored and ready to move into.Characteristics:-4 urban items and +one rustic, crossed by a small stream;-3 restored stone houses ready to live in and one in ruins;-Abundant water from spring and borehole;-Water mill in ruins.Imposing gates, very interesting layout of housing for a unique tourist/residential project.Many fruit trees (a large orchard of apple and lemon trees, orange trees, loquat trees, persimmon trees, vines, olive trees and chestnut trees).Walled property, wide, flat and fertile fields, calm and safe place, very close to the Douro river.Excellent accessibility and proximity to all services.With a great location and given the characteristics of the land, it becomes an excellent investment opportunity.Schedule a visit with us and don´t miss the opportunity to live in one of the most beautiful and safe countries in the world.With unique preparation and experience in the real estate market, Douro Lovers consultants put all their dedication into giving you the best support, guiding you with the greatest credibility, in the right direction of your needs and ambitions.From now on, we will create a close relationship and listen carefully to your expectations: because our priority is your happiness!And because it is important that you feel accompanied and that we are with you, always.Douro Lovers consultants have unique training in the market, anchored in the sharing of practical experience between professionals and strengthened by Coaching knowledge, which allows them to simplify and make your real estate experience more effective.Our greatest value is delivering results!With Douro Lovers you will never feel lost, or unaccompanied, and you will find something priceless: your maximum tranquility!This is how you will feel throughout the entire experience: Peaceful, Comfortable and... HAPPY!Leave bureaucratic nightmares behind because at Douro Lovers you will find the full support of an experienced and multidisciplinary team that gives you practical support in all fundamental aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds expectations.Our greatest value is to deliver you happiness!Free yourself from worries and gain the quality time you need to dedicate yourself to what makes you happiest.We act daily to bring more value to your life with the reliable advice you need so that, together, we can achieve the best results.Grades:1. If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Don´t hesitate to introduce your buyer clients and talk to us to schedule your visit.2. For greater ease in identifying this property, please refer to the respectiveID DL23-164or the respective agent who sent you the suggestion.

land  2.8ha

By Annonceur International

556 listings near Marco de Canaveses


Apartment Porto (Portugal)

Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT556832 4 bedroom apartment in a luxury private condominium, in the center of Porto. Inserted in the Quinta da Casa Amarela development , in the parish of Bonfim, created by the architect Souto Moura , this villa features a contemporary minimalist architecture, focusing on the simplicity of forms and a high rationality of space. The nobility of the materials used and the total privacy in relation to the outside are differentiating characteristics, which are reflected in the daily lives of those who inhabit it. This is a unique development in the city of Porto. With an outer wall that gives total privacy to the owners, it has: - Total area of ​​16,000 m2 - Meeting and event room with kitchen, pantry and bathrooms - Indoor heated pool with direct light from the outside - Turkish bath with showers - Concierge with full control of the video intercom system - Solar panels on the roof to support pool heating - private gardens - Common gardens for private use - Gardens of the Condominium for common use with about 3,000 m2 - Pedestrian circuit around the perimeter of the Resort (500 m) - Green Roofs (Green Roofs) in houses F, G and H - Green vertical walls (Green Walls) in houses F, G and H - Circulation in underground gallery of vehicles, in access to garages - Romantic grotto and lake with surrounding garden - Existing water wells that have been recovered and supply the automatic irrigation system of all gardens and roofs. The Apartment is distributed over 3 floors, as follows: 1st floor: - common room - Kitchen - Laundry - Two Suites with Closet - A bedroom with closet - service toilet - complete bathroom 2nd floor: - Room - Desk - storage - Mezzanine - complete bathroom Floor -1 : - Garage - Technical Space/Storage Contact me to visit and discover this T4 Apartment in a Luxury Private Condominium, in the center of Porto.Contact me to visit and discover this T4 Apartment in a Luxury Private Condominium, in the center of Porto. 3 reasons to buy with Zome: Constantly accompanied With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way. Simpler Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations. Happier Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY! Notes: 1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit. 2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion


By Annonceur International


Apartment Guimaraes (Portugal)

Building for Restoration, For Sale, Caldas das Taipas, Guimarães Property in horizontal ownership, comprising: Ground floor with an area of 123m2, used for services, with the left side rented out to a restaurant/grill and the right side rented out to a pastry shop, both in operation. 1st floor with an area of 220.50m2, with two residential flats; 1 3-bedr. flat for restoration, with renovated and furnished kitchen and access to terrace; Entrance hall; Office; 3 bedrooms; Balconies; Complete bathroom; Access to the attic with considerable ceiling height, which can be used as a lounge; 2 garages; Cellar; Rear garden 1 Apartment for total restoration, with floorboards; 3 bedrooms; Living room with balcony; Kitchen; WC; Access to terrace and garden. Roof intervened in 2013, with roofmate and screens throughout the building. It enjoys an excellent location in the centre of Caldas das Taipas, close to various services and with great potential for profitability. Book your visit with us! You have the dream, we have the Key! Atual Imobiliária strives for transparent, permanent and personalised support, based on proximity and trust for anyone wishing to sell or buy any type of property. It has a team of professionals in constant training, focused on understanding your needs and committed to finding the best property solution for you. With over 10 years´ experience, Atual Imobiliária guarantees the utmost transparency and simplicity in all your business processes. The excellent results that our team of consultants has achieved over the years are based on the daily motivation to make our clients´ dreams and preferences come true, in a market that we recognise as being severely competitive. At Atual Imobiliária, our clients´ needs and preferences will always be at the forefront of our minds, so that we can find the best solutions to fulfil their objectives. To this end, we offer highly professional, credible and experienced support, enabling us to provide full assistance in the development of any decisions and also during the purchase, sale or rental process. Our offer is characterised by diversity and up-to-dateness, so that you can find the property that suits you. We were born with the clear mission of satisfying clients in the property market, as we offer a high quality service at very competitive prices. The Atual Imobiliária team has extremely experienced consultants in this area, who are one hundred per cent focused on achieving the best deal for their clients. In addition to our highly diversified and geographically broad property portfolio, we also have partnerships with various real estate agencies and lenders, which guarantee us the best market rates, a factor that sets us apart in the current property market.


By Annonceur International


Apartment with terrace Porto (Portugal)

Spacious flat with four bedrooms, two of which are en suite, and two large living rooms, both of which benefit from great light thanks to the large windows. The kitchen is fully equipped and has a pantry and laundry room. The property has a closed garage and an 86sqm south-facing terrace. With high-quality finishes, this flat offers comfort and energy efficiency. Located in the Bonfim area, it is an excellent investment opportunity for local accommodation, as it is now, or as a main residence.


By Barnes Portugal


Apartment Porto (Portugal)

T3 with suite + 1 balcony + 2 parking spaces - in Bonfim - centre of PORTOBrand new and ready to move in, on the first floor of the building, this 99m² flat offers large windows with enchanting panoramic views full of colour from the emblematic facades typical of Porto's buildings.The space (see floor plan) is distributed as follows:- Entrance hall 4.39m²- Living room with kitchen 34.99m² - Covered balcony 2.10m²- Suite Room 14.65m² + Bathroom 5.55m²- Bedroom 13.64m²- Bedroom 10.15m² (currently this room is open to the living room)- 2 full bathrooms (one in the suite 5.55 m², another 3.16 m²);- 2 parking spaces in the garage of the condominium.At Rua António Granjo 120, this flat with central heating and solar thermal panels on the roof, was classified with a highly sustainable energy efficiency, cosy interiors, large spaces, a pleasant entrance hall of the building, with easy access to reduced mobility and a lift from the garage to the top floor.In the charming parish of Bonfim, privileged location in a quiet, culturally rich urban area, with gardens and green spaces. Several schools and universities, commerce and services, good road network with easy access to the entrance and exit of the city. Good public transport, between two metro stations (Heroísmo and 24 de Agosto), a 15-minute walk from both Campanhã train station, the city centre and the Douro River. The urban requalification of this old area has been evolving into a young and modern neighbourhood, so this flat is suitable for:- university students;- contemporary and technological professionals;-families;Excellent investment, 'turnkey'. Take advantage of this opportunity with a guaranteed return on investment.In the same development we have two more 2 bedroom apartments for sale.View this property RB001696 and others on the RB Real website Energy Rating: A #ref:RB001696


By Ricardo Bettencourt Unipessoal, Lda.


Apartment Porto (Portugal)

Apartment with 4 bedrooms for sale in Porto's noble district, located in the city's eastern region.Property that has a practical plan, spacious interior spaces, and luxurious finishing touches like Schüco thermal double windows and HVAC systems that guarantee optimal comfort. False ceilings, solid oak floors, and bathrooms with Estremoz marble all contribute to the homey ambiance that strikes the ideal mix between comfort and beauty. The bathrooms have suspended sanitary equipment, and the kitchen has Miele appliances.The apartment contains a big living area with a central fireplace that can be used from both sides, a balcony, a kitchen, a shared bathroom, four bedrooms, two of which are suites, and a full bathroom.  Additionally, it has 3 parking spaces.Inserted in a privileged location, is close to trade, services, transportation HUB and enjoys great road access.CHARACTERISTICS: Area: 305 m2 3 288 sq ft Useful area: 305 m2 3 288 sq ft Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 Garage: 3 Energy efficiency: A FEATURES: 4 Bedroom Apartment2 SuitesBalconyAir ConditioningInternationally awarded, LUXIMOS Christie's presents more than 1,200 properties for sale in Portugal, offering an excellent service in real estate brokerage. LUXIMOS Christie's is the exclusive affiliate of Christie´s International Real Estate (1350 offices in 46 countries) for the Algarve, Porto and North of Portugal, and provides its services to homeowners who are selling their properties, and to national and international buyers, who wish to buy real estate in Portugal. Our selection includes modern and contemporary properties, near the sea or by theriver, in Foz do Douro, in Porto, Boavista, Matosinhos, Vilamoura, Tavira, Ria Formosa, Lagos, Almancil, Vale do Lobo, Quinta do Lago, near the golf courses or the marina. LIc AMI 9063


By Annonceur International


Apartment Oliveira do Douro (Portugal)

Investment opportunity in Oliveira do Douro, Vila Nova de Gaia, a project with PIP approved in 2023 for Aparthotel. This exclusive development is strategically located with stunning views of the Douro River, offering a unique experience for guests. With an estimated construction area of 2487 square meters, the project includes the construction of 25 T0 apartments, 15 T1 apartments and 20 parking spaces. The proximity to local tourist attractions and the convenience of access to services and amenities make this development an attractive choice for investors. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact us. Habisonho - Promoção e Gestão de Imóveis Lda, with registration AMI: 16410, is headquartered in Rio Tinto, at Rua da Ranha, number 232. Our company's mission is to offer a service of excellence with professionalism, loyalty and transparency in the management of real estate business. With the slogan 'Live in Your Dream Home', it represents the commitment to helping people achieve their dream of having a perfect home. Through this slogan, we want to convey the idea that Habisonho is committed to making each client's dream come true, providing them with a home that meets their expectations and desires. Why buy with Habisonho? When buying with Habisonho, you can count on our complicity, business security and the availability of a consultant dedicated to making your dream come true. We present properties in our portfolio and establish partnerships with other real estate agencies. Why sell with Habisonho? When selling with Habisonho, you can count on our commitment, professionalism and dedication in promoting your property, through hard digital and face-to-face marketing work. In addition, we introduce your property to our portfolio of clients and partners. By choosing Habisonho, you will have access to: Professional and dedicated consultants. Balance in business (buying and selling) Legal support Constant and transparent presence Flexibility in commissions Support in the financing process Support and drafting of contracts Digital marketing work In addition, we offer other tools and strategies to help you sell and/or buy your property, adapting to the volatility of the real estate market. Energy Rating: F Energy Rating: F


By Annonceur International


Apartment with terrace Porto (Portugal)

Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT537227 DESCRIPTION: 2 Apartments type T3 apartments, transformed into T4 in downtown Porto, next to the Bolhão Market, Porto, inserted in a building Ferreira do Santos from 1946. The entire building underwent restoration works in 2018, namely roof, facades, plumbing and electrical installations. This large apartment with a private area of 268m2+ 35m2 of dependent area distributed by 2 storages that are on the terrace. The building has a very typical cage elevator from the 1930s onto the 1930s. These apartments are located in one of the historic and noble areas of the city of Porto, either by the commercial location of the entire surrounding area or by the great circulation and ease of pedestrian access to all the streets and privileged places of the city. The proximity to Rua Santa Catarina and Avenida dos Aliados stands out. The apartments are located on the 3rd and top floor with access to the terrace. Distribution of interior space 1st Apartment: - Entrance hall with 8m2; - Suite with 60m2; - Bathroom of the suite with 20m2; - Room with 30m2; - Kitchen with 15m2; - Laundry with 10m2; Distribution of interior space 2º Apartment: - Entrance hall with 8m2; - 2 Bedroom with 14m2; - 1 Bedroom with 12m2; - Room with 30m2; - Kitchen with 15m2; - Laundry with 10m2 - Bathroom with 8m2; - Bathroom with 4m2. Points of Interest: Metro - Bolhão Station at 50m; Rua de Santa Catarina at 100m; Avenida dos Aliados at 500m; Museums/Historical Churches; Theatre/Cinema; All kinds of commerce and services Notes: 1. If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit. 2. For ease in identifying this property, please refer to its ZMPT ID. 3 razões para comprar com a Zome + acompanhamento Com uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Zome põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o melhor acompanhamento, orientando-o com a máxima confiança, na direção certa das suas necessidades e ambições. Daqui para a frente, vamos criar uma relação próxima e escutar com atenção as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, e que estamos consigo sempre. + simples Os consultores Zome têm uma formação única no mercado, ancorada na partilha de experiência prática entre profissionais e fortalecida pelo conhecimento de neurociência aplicada que lhes permite simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária. Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque na Zome encontra o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e multidisciplinar que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspetos fundamentais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as expectativas. + feliz O nosso maior valor é entregar-lhe felicidade! Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz. Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados. Com a Zome nunca vai estar perdido ou desacompanhado e encontrará algo que não tem preço: a sua máxima tranquilidade! É assim que se vai sentir ao longo de toda a experiência: Tranquilo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ! Notas: 1. Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita. 2. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão.

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By Annonceur International


Apartment Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória (Portugal)

Looking for a real estate investment that combines prime location, growth potential and versatility? We present this project to you in the emblematic Rua de Santa Catarina, in the heart of the city of Porto. Situated on one of the city's busiest and most prestigious arteries, this building offers direct access to a plethora of shops, restaurants, cafes, and cultural attractions. This is the epicenter of urban life in Porto, where tradition meets modernity. With an approved project for 10 apartments (2 - T0, 6 - T1 and 2 - T2) and a duplex store. Porto continues to assert itself as one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in Europe, with its rich history, world-renowned gastronomy and unique charm. This building places you at the epicenter of this vibrant tourist scene, offering an ideal base from which to explore all that the city has to offer. With Porto's growing reputation as a tourist destination and the constant appreciation of the real estate market in the region, this investment offers not only solid financial returns but also significant appreciation potential in the future. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact us. Habisonho - Promoção e Gestão de Imóveis Lda, with registration AMI: 16410, is headquartered in Rio Tinto, at Rua da Ranha, number 232. Our company's mission is to offer a service of excellence with professionalism, loyalty and transparency in the management of real estate business. With the slogan 'Live in Your Dream Home', it represents the commitment to helping people achieve their dream of having a perfect home. Through this slogan, we want to convey the idea that Habisonho is committed to making each client's dream come true, providing them with a home that meets their expectations and desires. Why buy with Habisonho? When buying with Habisonho, you can count on our complicity, business security and the availability of a consultant dedicated to making your dream come true. We present properties in our portfolio and establish partnerships with other real estate agencies. Why sell with Habisonho? When selling with Habisonho, you can count on our commitment, professionalism and dedication in promoting your property, through hard digital and face-to-face marketing work. In addition, we introduce your property to our portfolio of clients and partners. By choosing Habisonho, you will have access to: Professional and dedicated consultants. Balance in business (buying and selling) Legal support Constant and transparent presence Flexibility in commissions Support in the financing process Support and drafting of contracts Digital marketing work In addition, we offer other tools and strategies to help you sell and/or buy your property, adapting to the volatility of the real estate market. Energy Rating: E Energy Rating: E


By Annonceur International


Apartment Porto (Portugal)

Flat with 2 bedrooms en suite and private garden, in a historic building in the heart of downtown Porto. It has two kitchens so it can be used as two separate flats, each with a bedroom and independent access. It's on the first floor of a building that has been completely refurbished by the current owner with good materials and quality finishes, maintaining the building's historic features.


By Barnes Portugal


Apartment Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória (Portugal)

Building consisting of 5 apartments and shop on the ground, with an exepecional location in downtown Porto. This building consists of 4 apartments T2 +1 , 1 apartment T3 and a shop / warehouse of 330m2 . Ideal for investment, whether for local accommodation or for resale. The property is in horizontal property. FEATURES: Land Area: 383 m2 Area: 383 m2 Used Area: 383 m2 Deployment Area: 383 m2 Construction Area: 763 m2 Energy Efficiency: E Awarded internationally, LUXIMOS Christie's has for sale more than 1200 properties in Portugal (apartments, villas, buildings, land, etc...) and offers a service of excellence in real estate mediation in the markets where it operates. Integrating the Christie's International Real Estate network and through its 1350 offices distributed in 46 countries provides its services to property owners who are selling their property and national and international interested parties, who are buying a property in Portugal. LIc AMI 9063 Building consisting of 5 apartments and store on the ground floor, with exceptional location in the heart of downtown Porto. This building consists of 4 two and a half bedroom apartments, 1 three bedroom apartment and a store/ warehouse of 330m2. Ideal for investment, either for Local Hosting or for resale. The property is in horizontal property. CHARACTERISTICS: Plot Area: 383 m2 4 th 123 ft sq Area: 383 m2 4 th 123 ft sq Useful area: 383 m2 4 th 123 ft sq Deployment Area: 383 m2 4 th 123 ft sq Building Area: 763 m2 8 213 sq ft Energy efficiency: E Internationally awarded, LUXIMOS Christie's presents more than 1,200 properties for sale in Portugal, offering an excellent service in real estate brokerage. LUXIMOS Christie's is the exclusive affiliate of Christie´s International Real Estate (1350 offices in 46 countries) for the Algarve, Porto and North of Portugal, and provides its services to homeowners who are selling their properties, and to national and international buyers, who wish to buy real estate in Portugal. Our selection includes modern and contemporary properties, near the sea or by theriver, in Foz do Douro, in Porto, Boavista, Matosinhos, Vilamoura, Tavira, Ria Formosa, Lagos, Almancil, Vale do Lobo, Quinta do Lago, near the golf courses or the marina. LIc AMI 9063 Bâtiment composé de 5 appartements et d'une boutique au rez-de-chaussée , avec une situation exceptionnelle au coeur du centre-ville de Porto . Cet immeuble se compose de 4 appartements T2 +1, 1 appartement T3 et une boutique/entrepôt de 330m2. Idéal pour l'investissement, que ce soit pour l'hébergement local ou pour la revente. La propriété est en propriété horizontale. CARACTÉRISTIQUES: Surface of terrain: 383 m2 Zone: 383 m2 Zone utile: 383 m2 Taille de déploiement: 383 m2 Taille construction: 763 m2 Efficacité énergétique: E LUXIMOS Christie's voit le jour sur la base de cette vaste expérience, de cette tradition et de cette innovation technologique, tout en respectant les normes les plus élevées d'éthique, de discrétion, d'intégrité et de professionnalisme en contribuant à la reconnaissance et à la croissance durable de la marque, mais aussi à la satisfaction de nos clients, en trouvant les solutions immobilières possédant les caractéristiques faisant la différence qu'ils recherchent. 9063 Ami LIc


By Annonceur International


Apartment Porto (Portugal)

1+1 bedroom apartment with balcony in a new development in Porto, between Ribeira and Baixa, resulting from the refurbishment of a 19th century building. Types from one to 3-bedroom, including 2 kinds of duplex, where all apartments will have plenty of natural light and outdoor space, between balconies, terraces and gardens.


By Barnes Portugal


Apartment Porto (Portugal)

2 bedroom apartment with garden in a new development in Porto, between Ribeira and Baixa, resulting from the refurbishment of a 19th century building. Types from one to 3-bedroom, including 2 kinds of duplex, where all apartments will have plenty of natural light and outdoor space, between balconies, terraces and gardens.


By Barnes Portugal


Apartment with terrace Porto (Portugal)

Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT567269 When purchasing this 3 bedroom apartment in the Exclusive Condominium BONJARDIM, a few steps from Avenida dos Aliados and Mercado do Bolhão, with a premium location, in the heart of Porto, a few steps from Mercado do Bolhão and in what is one of the most traditional in the undefeated city, the new Bonjardim condominium, is a perfect combination of tradition and modernity, you will be investing in an EXCLUSIVE CONDOMINIUM with: 93 apartments, spread over 6 floors, with types T0 to T4, areas ranging from 35 to 193m2. Include parking, balconies and fantastic terraces that invite you to unforgettable afternoons. This is where you feel at home, without giving up being at the center of your world. Where urban life and family tranquility come together, where social life happens, where tradition meets a contemporary side that allows you to experience the essence of Porto. FINISHING MAP: Entrance hall + Living room + Bedrooms Entrance door: Security door, fire protection, anti-intrusion system, 45dB acoustic reduction system, matte lacquered finish on the interior. Interior doors: Standard swing doors, lacquered on both sides, including brushed stainless steel handles. Flooring: Multilayer in Riga 5mm, brushed and oiled. Walls: Double standard A plasterboard, filled with mineral wool panels on the inside with a density of 70Kg/m3, Knauf certified system, painted in white. Ceilings: 12.5mm standard A plasterboard, Knauf certified system, painted in white. Skirting board: 20cm water-repellent MDF projection, white lacquered and hidden fixings. Rodateto: painted half-round round. Cabinets: Doors in lacquered veneered chipboard, with adjustable shelves, drawer modules. Lighting: LED, built-in next to the cabinets, point light over the dining table. Blinds: Extruded aluminum blinds, with centralized electric motor. Air conditioning system: VRV installed under the false ceiling, inflated through grilles. Sanitary facilities Flooring: Ceramic. Walls: Double water-repellent plasterboard, Knauf certified system, ceramic coated Ceilings: Double water-repellent plasterboard, certified Knauf system painted in white. Lighting: Black molding, with LED lighting and individual extraction. Rodateto: Micro-Sanca Equipment for sanitary installations: Toilet and bidet: Wall-hung toilet and bidet, white, from the Valadares One or Two brand. Shower tray: Ceramic like the floor, with non-slip treatment. IS service washbasin: Ceramic washbasin, wall-mounted. Washbasin: Washbasin countertop in white Silestone, with built-in sink. Bathtub: Built-in rectangular. Faucets: Washbasins- Built-in wall-mounted mixer taps, Grohe brand Bidet - Stand-up mixer tap, Grohe brand Bath and shower: Built-in thermo-static taps: with three bath outlets (top shower, overhead shower and bathtub); with two shower outlets (hand shower and wall-mounted shower) by Grohe. Flush toilets: GroheBonjardim built-in system Furniture: Suspended washbasin unit, with drawers under a Silestone countertop, in white lacquered MDF. Electric towel rails. Mirrors: Mirrors with defroster. Kitchens and Kitchenettes Floors: Foot-print: Ceramic stoneware. Kitchen and living room: multilayer in new 5mm riga, brushed and oiled finish. Walls: Double plasterboard wall, Knauf certified system, painted in white. Ceilings: Double plasterboard, Knauf certified system, painted white. Lighting: Round molding with built-in LED lighting. Extraction: Individual by extractor in the kitchen Equipment: White lacquered kitchen cabinets. Opening system using collar profiles and invisible extension hinges in stainless steel. Detachable single-lever mixer tap, two outlet modes, Grohe brand. Equipment, SMEG brand, comprising: combined (fridge + freezer) or built-in side-by-side; built-in dishwasher; built-in washing machine and dryer, when there are laundry rooms: independent or combined washing and drying machines not built-in; induction hob 60 or 30cm; integrated extractor fan (automatic on 60cm induction hobs); oven with built-in microwave; Built-in steam induction oven. Tops and top wheels: Dekton Zenith (white) or Kreta (gray) Frames Balconies, windows and terraces: Frames in two-tone lacquered aluminum (light gray RAL interior, exterior RAL 3007). Swing shutters, except in frames with more than two leaves (balconies) sliding shutter system. Balconies Flooring: Sikafloor Balcony dividers: Phenolic panel Guards: Metal structure painted RAL 3007. Terraces, zen gardens and swimming pools Flooring: Cementitious deck, ACL brand Guards: Metal structure painted RAL 3007. Landscaping common areas, garden and square Square: Portuguese sidewalk Garden: concrete slabs (walks); Grass and large trees adapted to the space. Special installations Apelectric airing - Efapel. DHW System for Sanitary Hot Water: Solar panel/gas boiler (except T0-electrical system)/DHW tank Air conditioning system - VRV for heating / cooling. Individual ventilation per apartment. Security systems Intrusion Detection System Flood Detection System Fire detection system Gas leak detection system Video intercom Others External Coatings: GRC, Steel profiles, aluminum and steel sheet, ceramic, exposed concrete. Acoustic insulation between floors: Acoustic Blanket Walls between apartments, common parts and exterior: Double brick wall, with mineral wool acoustic insulation. The information contained in this brochure is merely indicative and does not have a contractual nature. It may, for technical, commercial or legal reasons, be subject to changes without prior notice. 3 razões para comprar com a Zome + acompanhamento Com uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Zome põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o melhor acompanhamento, orientando-o com a máxima confiança, na direção certa das suas necessidades e ambições. Daqui para a frente, vamos criar uma relação próxima e escutar com atenção as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, e que estamos consigo sempre. + simples Os consultores Zome têm uma formação única no mercado, ancorada na partilha de experiência prática entre profissionais e fortalecida pelo conhecimento de neurociência aplicada que lhes permite simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária. Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque na Zome encontra o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e multidisciplinar que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspetos fundamentais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as expectativas. + feliz O nosso maior valor é entregar-lhe felicidade! Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz. Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados. Com a Zome nunca vai estar perdido ou desacompanhado e encontrará algo que não tem preço: a sua máxima tranquilidade! É assim que se vai sentir ao longo de toda a experiência: Tranquilo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ! Notas: 1. Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita. 2. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão.


By Annonceur International


Apartment Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal)

Q19 - QUINTA DE CRAVEL 6 BEDROOM SIGNATURE DUPLEX PENTHOUSET4C-B4 + T2B-B4Type: 6 bedrooms Floor: 4 Core: BPrivate Gross Area (1): 368 sqmExterior Area: 158 sqmTotal Private Area (2): 516 sqmGarage and Storage Area: 95 sqmTotal Area: 621 sqmParking: 5 spacesStorage: 2 unitQ19 THE MOST NATURAL VIEW: A GREEN RETREAT IN VILA NOVA DE GAIA CITYThe new condominium, Q19 The Most Natural View, is a high-end project featuring 50spacious apartments with 1 to 4 bedrooms, big balconies, and private rooftops. Inspiredby nature, the condo rooftop boasts a panoramic pool with stunning views of the city,Douro River, and the forest, along with a charming outdoor lounge and an outdoor fitnessarea.Quinta de Cravel, situated in the city center on a 10-hectare plot, with 6 hectares of forest,offers privileged access to two distinct spaces Cravel Park and Cravel Club.Cravel Park, a natural reserve spanning over 6 hectares, provides trails, viewpoints, anddiverse flora and fauna, ideal for sports, strolls, or relaxation in a tranquil, secureenvironment.Cravel Club is a dedicated space for residents; well-being, featuring relaxation areas,sports facilities, a restaurant with a terrace, a lake, a game field, and extensive greenspaces.Quinta de Cravel offers a breath of fresh air, an Italian restaurant with terrace, and a safenatural environment for children to play and families to enjoy.Minutes away from the metro and city center, Quinta de Cravel combines urban living withnature, free from the typical noise and pollution of cities.EXCELLENT LOCATIONLocated near Avenida da República, Quinta de Cravel enjoys excellent access to majorroads and proximity to various services, including schools, shopping centers, and a majorpublic hospital. With the metro station at just 6-minute walk, downtown Porto is reachablein 15 minutes. An excellent location providing urban comfort.Q19 The Most Natural View is a unique concept, allowing residents to enjoy a magicalplace in the city center that values time and life.THE CONCEPT OF A 6 BEDROOM PENTHOUSESituated on the top floor, the T4 + T2 is a SIGNATURE DUPLEX PENTHOUSE with sixbedrooms, featuring a private gross area of 368 sqm and a rooftop of 105 sqm.With an East/West solar orientation, it offers a spacious entrance hall, a living room (49sqm) and kitchen (22 sqm) in an open-space concept, with access to a generous balconyof 24 sqm.A half-bathroom near the entrance hall complements the social area.Four Master-Suites with walk-in closets and complete bathrooms, of which, two haveaccess to a 19 sqm balcony overlooking Cravel Park and the Douro River.Two additional bedrooms (18 and 19 sqm), with walk-in closets, facing West, share acomplete bathroom.The private rooftop area with 105 sqm is equipped with a jacuzzi, providing an ideal spaceto enjoy the fantastic views and privacy with friends and family.The apartment includes 5 parking spaces, 2 spacious storage units, and allowsinstallation of a charger for electric vehicles.The interior finishings reflects attention to detail, with oak wood flooring (acousticinsulated) in the bedrooms, hall, and living room, and ceramic Slabstone flooring in thekitchen and bathrooms. The glass railings on the stairs are stunning. White lacqueredcarpentry, dry wal ceilings with recessed LED lights, and vent air conditioning throughoutthe apartment ensure comfort and an excellent living environment.The kitchen, equipped with Bosch appliances, features white lacquered cabinets, Kryoncountertops and backsplash. A high-efficiency Heat Pump system for hot watercomplements the sustainable features of this property.Highlighting the leisure area at the condominiums; roof top, with a pool and gym,enhances the overall services and comfort.This 4 bedroom penthouse combined with the 2 bedroom flat, creates an astonishing 6bedroom with 6 bathrooms Penthouse, with a combined total area of 621 sqm.The possibility to transform the open space kitchen and dinning-living room of the 2bedroom flat, into a multi-purpose living area, expands usage possibilities, whether as aprivate gym, cinema room, a second living room, or a room for children.This solution provides 2 closed storage units and 5 parking spaces.A truly unique and remarkable penthouse!!!TEIXEIRA DUARTE - The Real Estate Developer Founded in 1921, Teixeira Duarte isrecognized as one of Portugal's most important economic groups, operating in 19countries with over 10,000 employees across six sectors. Pioneering its first real estateproject in the 1970s, Teixeira Duarte has developed expertise and services throughout thereal estate development chain.With over 6 million sqm built, 3 million sqm in development, and more than 7,000 homesdelivered worldwide, Teixeira Duarte is a benchmark in integrated real estate, harmonizingwith nature.


By Annonceur International


Apartment Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal)

Q19 - QUINTA DE CRAVEL SIGNATURE DUPLEX PENTHOUSET4C - B4Type: 4 bedrooms Floor: 4 Core: BPrivate Gross Area (1): 265 sqmExterior Area: 158 sqmTotal Private Area (2): 413 sqmGarage and Storage Area: 59 sqmTotal Area: 482 sqmParking: 3 spacesStorage: 1 unitQ19 THE MOST NATURAL VIEW: A GREEN RETREAT IN VILA NOVA DE GAIA CITYThe new condominium, Q19 The Most Natural View, is a high-end project featuring 50 spacious apartments with 1 to 4 bedrooms, big balconies, and private rooftops. Inspired by nature, the condo rooftop boasts a panoramic pool with stunning views of the city, Douro River, and the forest, along with a charming outdoor lounge and an outdoor fitness area.Quinta de Cravel, situated in the city center on a 10-hectare plot, with 6 hectares of forest, offers privileged access to two distinct spaces Cravel Park and Cravel Club.Cravel Park, a natural reserve spanning over 6 hectares, provides trails, viewpoints, and diverse flora and fauna, ideal for sports, strolls, or relaxation in a tranquil, secure environment.Cravel Club is a dedicated space for residents' well-being, featuring relaxation areas, sports facilities, a restaurant with a terrace, a lake, a game field, and extensive green spaces.Quinta de Cravel offers a breath of fresh air, an Italian restaurant with terrace, and a safe natural environment for children to play.Minutes away from the metro and city center, Quinta de Cravel combines urban living with nature, free from the typical noise and pollution of cities.EXCELLENT LOCATIONLocated near Avenida da República, Quinta de Cravel enjoys excellent access to major roads and proximity to various services, including schools, shopping centers, and a major public hospital. With the metro station at just 6-minute walk, downtown Porto is reachable in 15 minutes. An excellent location providing urban comfort.Q19 The Most Natural View is a unique concept, allowing residents to enjoy a magical place in the city center that values time and life.THE 4 BEDROOM PENTHOUSESituated on the top floor, T4C - B4 is a SIGNATURE DUPLEX PENTHOUSE with four bedrooms, featuring a private gross area of 265 sqm and a rooftop of 105 sqm.With an East/West solar orientation, it offers a spacious entrance hall, a living room (49 sqm) and kitchen (22 sqm) in an open-space concept, with access to a generous balcony of 24 sqm. A half-bathroom near the entrance hall complements the social area.Two Master-Suites (21 sqm each) with walk-in closets and bathroom have access to a 19 sqm balcony overlooking Cravel Park and the Douro River. Two additional bedrooms (18 and 19 sqm), with walk-in closets are facing West, and share a complete bathroom.The private rooftop area with 105 sqm is equipped with a jacuzzi, providing an ideal space to enjoy the fantastic views and privacy with friends and family.The apartment includes three parking spaces, a spacious storage unit, and allows installation of a charger for electric vehicles The interior finish reflects attention to detail, with oak wood flooring (acoustic insulation) in bedrooms, hall, and living room, and ceramic Slabstone flooring in the kitchen and bathrooms. White lacquered carpentry, false ceilings with embedded LED lights, and air conditioning throughout the apartment ensure comfort and an excellent living environment.The kitchen, equipped with Bosch appliances, features white lacquered cabinets, Kryon countertops, and backsplash. A high-efficiency Heat Pump system for hot water complements the sustainable features of this property.Highlighting the leisure area at the condominium's roof top, with a pool and gym, enhances the overall services and comfort.This 4 bedroom penthouse can be purchased together with an adjacent 2 bedroom apartment, creating a superb and unparalleled 6 bedroom with 6 bathrooms and a combined area of 621 sqm.The option to transform the kitchen and living room of the 2 bedroom apartment into a multi-purpose living area, expands usage possibilities, whether as a private gym, cinema room, a second living room, or a room for children.Together, they would benefit from two closed storage units and five parking spaces.A truly unique penthouse!!!TEIXEIRA DUARTE - The Real Estate DeveloperFounded in 1921, Teixeira Duarte is recognized as one of Portugal's most important economic groups, operating in 19 countries with over 10,000 employees across six sectors. Pioneering its first real estate project in the 1970s, Teixeira Duarte has developed expertise and services throughout the real estate development chain. With over 6 million m2 built, 3 million m2 in development, and more than 7,000 homes delivered worldwide, Teixeira Duarte is a benchmark in integrated real estate, harmonizing with nature.


By Annonceur International


Apartment Porto (Portugal)

Strategically located next to Avenida dos Aliados and the Bolhão Market, one of the areas where tradition meets a contemporary edge that allows you to experience the essence of the city, we find the exclusive Bonjardim development, surrounded by Rua do Bonjardim, Rua Formosa and Rua de Sá da Bandeira, comprising 5 blocks, 93 apartments and 16 stores located on the second floors. This nice and very interesting 3 bedroom apartment with 172,46, 3 private parking space prepared for electric charging, located in the heart of Porto. The noble finishes add elements of sophistication and well-being to the apartment, such as the thermally cut windows and double glazing that guarantee high thermal efficiency and the insulation needed to enjoy maximum tranquillity and comfort. The kitchen is fully equipped with SMEG appliances, including: built-in or side-by-side fridge/freezer; built-in dishwasher; built-in washing machine and dryer; 60 or 30 cm induction hob; integrated extractor hood (automatic on the 60 cm induction hob); built-in microwave oven; built-in induction steam oven. We highlight the air conditioning system: VRV (controlled mechanical ventilation system) installed under the false ceiling, blown through grilles, which maintains optimum air quality inside the house, extracting stale air and introducing fresh air throughout the apartment. Exclusive services for the apartments, located in the Condominium Hall:  - Gym (12 pieces of equipment: elliptical, rowing machine, bicycle, dumbbells, etc)  - Yoga room  - Kitchenette  Stores in the development:  Store 1 and 2 - Cosentino City (showroom)  Store 3 - BrunchIt (restaurant)  Store 5 - Ned Barbershop (barbershop)  Store 6 - Wells- (health and wellness)  Store 7 - Eugénio Campos (goldsmith)  Store 8 - Fanny (goldsmith)  Store 9 - Alain Afflelou (optician)  Store 10 - Jeronymo (café)  Store 11 - Continente (supermarket)  Store 12 - Plenitude (ENI energy services store)  Store 13 - Starbucks (coffee)  Store 15 - Iservices (cell phone and tablet repair)  Store 16 - Oslo (fashion)


By Annonceur International


Apartment Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória (Portugal)

Bonjardim: Residential Royalty in the Heart of PortoExperience the privilege of residing in Bonjardim, an icon of elegance and exclusivity in the heart of Porto, just steps away from the historic Mercado do Bolhão.This exquisite development epitomizes the essence of modern luxury, perfectly harmonizing tradition with contemporaneity. Every detail has been meticulously planned to offer a unique living experience, where prestige and comfort blend seamlessly in perfect harmony.Bonjardim is more than just a place to live; it is a distinct lifestyle. With only 93 exclusive residences spread over six floors, from T0 apartments to sumptuous T4s, each one is an expression of refinement and sophistication. The generous areas range from 35 to 193m², providing ample and luxurious space to live and entertain.Indulge in moments of pure relaxation and leisure on private terraces and spacious balconies, offering breathtaking views of the city. Some of the most exclusive apartments offer the additional luxury of private jacuzzis or pools.In addition to offering an unparalleled lifestyle, Bonjardim is also a prestigious investment. By being part of this exclusive project, you become part of a select community that is redefining the concept of urban luxury in Porto.Experience the true meaning of sophistication and exclusivity in Bonjardim, where each day is a celebration of refinement and good taste.


By Annonceur International


Apartment Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória (Portugal)

Bonjardim: Residential Royalty in the Heart of PortoExperience the privilege of residing in Bonjardim, an icon of elegance and exclusivity in the heart of Porto, just steps away from the historic Mercado do Bolhão.This exquisite development epitomizes the essence of modern luxury, perfectly harmonizing tradition with contemporaneity. Every detail has been meticulously planned to offer a unique living experience, where prestige and comfort blend seamlessly in perfect harmony.Bonjardim is more than just a place to live; it is a distinct lifestyle. With only 93 exclusive residences spread over six floors, from T0 apartments to sumptuous T4s, each one is an expression of refinement and sophistication. The generous areas range from 35 to 193m², providing ample and luxurious space to live and entertain.Indulge in moments of pure relaxation and leisure on private terraces and spacious balconies, offering breathtaking views of the city. Some of the most exclusive apartments offer the additional luxury of private jacuzzis or pools.In addition to offering an unparalleled lifestyle, Bonjardim is also a prestigious investment. By being part of this exclusive project, you become part of a select community that is redefining the concept of urban luxury in Porto.Experience the true meaning of sophistication and exclusivity in Bonjardim, where each day is a celebration of refinement and good taste.


By Annonceur International


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  • For sale
  • Marco de Canaveses, Portugal
  • Apartments