Le Figaro Properties


Sébastien Lorrain, Managing director, CBRE Résidentiel

Sébastien Lorrain

Sébastien Lorrain

Last year, CBRE sold for €200m of estates. Our references are evolving : once ceiling price, our value per sq m is now bottom price. I’m very optimistic, especially for the Parisian marketplace which, according to foreign colleagues, is underestimated compared to other big cities. Today, we have more than €75m of exclusive sales mandates for the mostsought after Parisian properties. Currently, we have two estates on offer : a luxury apartment on Boulevard Raspail and a family home rue Marguerite in the 7th district. Our dominant position in the commercial real estate business gives us access to CEOs looking to invest for themselves. For properties under €2m, the vast majority of our clients are French nationals. Future developments include a groundbreaking website offering estates in Paris, London, New York City and Shanghai.