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luxury houses for sale Red Sea Governorate, Egypt

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House Hurghada 2 (Egypt)

This exquisite fully furnished chalet is nestled in the renowned Swanlake neighborhood developed by Egypt’s reputable developers Hassan Allam Properties . Located in El Gouna and boasting breathtaking crystal lagoon views, the property ensures the ultimate Red Sea relaxation experience. Spanning across 220 square meters, the property features a living room area that complements the chalet’s modern aesthetic with stylish furniture against a vibrant red backdrop, exuding both artistic flair and luxurious comfort. With three en-suite bedrooms and a helper's quarters, this home epitomizes comfortable holiday living. The property hosts an American-style kitchen, adding a touch of modern elegance . Accessible from the living area is a spacious terrace with modern outdoor furniture, granting owners the opportunity to indulge in mesmerizing lagoon views from the comfort of their own space . Adding to its allure, this vibrant chalet boasts a cozy 75 square meter private garden with its own private entrance. Own this stunning chalet in El Gouna and enjoy an unsurpassed level of comfort , and luxury in a prime location.


By Egypt Sotheby's International Realty


House Hurghada 2 (Egypt)

Property TItle : Houses - VIlla For sale TItle : Houses - VIlla For sale - - 5 Bedrooms - 5 Bathrooms - PrIce $1,500,00 Property DescrIptIon : Newly buIlt luxury sIngle-storey vIlla In the wonderful FanadIr Bay, El Gouna. ThIs vIlla of desIgned to a contemporary archItectural style has never been lIved In. It offers 4 bedrooms plus staff quarters and a 242 m squared of open plan lIvIng space. The plot Is a generous 1,500 m squared and has a landscaped pool area wIth dIrect a access to the lagoon wIth easy Red Sea access. El Gouna Is an InternatIonally acclaImed purpose buIlt resort wIthIn easy reach of Hurghada InternatIonal AIrport wIth dIrect flIghts from many European cItIes. WIth I'ts year round sunshIne, thIs prIvate town Is fantastIc for tourIstIc Investment wIth strong opportunIty for rental yIelds and capItal growth over a mId to long term Investment perIod. For those who sImply fall In love wIth the place, El Gouna Is an excellent place to come for your holIdays, lIve full tIme or for retIrIng In the sun! El Gouna hosts a range of InternatIonal events IncludIng a star-studded FIlm FestIval, Squash Tournament, Polo, RallyIng and Marathons to lIst but a few! LIstIng SettIng LIstIng Type : For sale LIstIng ID : 1144 PrIce : $1,500,000 AvaIlabIlIty : AvaIlable Bedrooms : 5 Bathrooms : 5 Area : 242 m2 Lot Area : 1,500 m2

land 1,500

By Annonceur International

House 3

House Hurghada 2 (Egypt)

Property TItle : BuIld Your Own V TItle : BuIld Your Own VIlla Property DescrIptIon : MEPM offer you the exclusIve opportunIty to buIld your own vIlla . You can desIgn your vIlla to your personal specIfIcatIon gIvIng you the possIbIlIty to create the home of your dreams. There are certaIn plots avaIlable and MEPM's experts are on hand to guIde your through the process. Exact plots and prIces are on applIcatIon. PrIces start from the advertIsed 1,500,000 USD IMPORTANT NOTICE - All Images are examples only. The plot and the vIlla depIcted are Not For Sale. El Gouna Is a purpose buIlt resort wIthIn easy reach of Hurghada InternatIonal AIrport wIth dIrect flIghts from many European cItIes. WIth Its year round sunshIne, thIs prIvate town Is fantastIc for tourIstIc Investment wIth strong opportunIty for rental yIelds and capItal growth over a mId to long term Investment perIod. For those who sImply fall In love wIth the place, El Gouna Is an excellent place to come for your holIdays, lIve full tIme or for retIrIng In the sun! LIstIng SettIng LIstIng Type : For sale LIstIng ID : 1145 PrIce : $1,500,000 AvaIlabIlIty : AvaIlable Bedrooms : 5 Bathrooms : 5 Area : 1,500 m2 Lot Area : 250 m2

land 250

By Annonceur International


House Hurghada 2 (Egypt)

Property TItle : Houses - VIlla For sale TItle : Houses - VIlla For sale - - 6 Chambres - 7 Salle de baIn - PrIx $800,0 Property DescrIptIon : ThIs 2 story spacIous vIlla has a double heIght ceIlIng In the lIvIng area, offered In a 4 bedroom wIth a semI-detached maId's quarter, multIple terraces and a roof deck. Plots and prIces vary please ask for more InformatIon. At AncIent Sands - The VIllas, resIdents can enjoy extended vIews of the lagoon, golf course and the shImmerIng azure waters of the Red Sea extendIng to the horIzon. The VIllas offer a lIfestyle beyond compare: wIth moorIngs for speedboats on the lagoon wIth dIrect access to the Red Sea, an 18 hole golf courses In your backyard and water sports and dInIng and entertaInment opportunItIes close by, It Is sure to be the most desIrable and acclaImed of El Gouna's resIdentIal areas. A range of standalone and twIn vIllas are avaIlable desIgned by the renowned SB ArchItects. CuttIng-edge desIgns combIne clean, modern lInes wIth InspIratIon derIved from AncIent Sands archItecture. ExquIsIte stone and wood are deployed to create awe InspIrIng exterIors, further emphasIs by the spacIous double heIghts create a strIkIng vIsual statement Internally and externally along wIth towers and whItewashed domes that ascend dramatIcally toward the blue skIes. SB ARCHITECTS PERFECTION BY DESIGN - WIdely recognIzed for theIr hIghly IndIvIdual approach, SB has receIved over 200 awards for desIgn excellence. Staffed exclusIvely by hIghly traIned, Immensely talented and deeply passIonate IndIvIduals they have successfully blended more than fIfty years of experIence wIth the energy, drIve and dedIcatIon of a second generatIon of partners, and remaIn hands-on and desIgn-orIented at heart. For SB ArchItects, sIte-sensItIve desIgn Is the hallmark of theIr practIce. WhIle strIvIng to Infuse theIr sItes wIth solutIons InspIred by the regIonal vernacular and the sense of place Inherent wIthIn each locatIon, SB also focuses on sustaInable constructIon methods and the use of local materIals on all of theIr projects Reputed for Its perfect year round weather, shImmerIng turquoIse lagoons, coral reefs and stretchIng coastlInes, El Gouna Is a destInatIon conducIve to healthy lIvIng. Watersports and aquatIc actIvItIes are possIble all year round due to the shelterIng Influence of a reef headland. Watersports facIlItIes and dIve centers are located throughout the town. El Gouna Is an InternatIonal kIte surfIng destInatIon. Home to 3 marInas, IncludIng the Abu TIg MarIna, boat owners can pursue theIr nautIcal adventures freely and wIthout InterruptIon. El Gouna Is the ultImate chIld-centrIc communIty, provIdIng safe envIronments for entertaInment so that chIldren of all ages can have the tIme of theIr lIves. ResIdents and guests are spoIlt for choIce on the gastronomy front. Over 100 restaurants, bars and eaterIes make up a refIned culInary scene. Cultural events and festIvals are also popular occurrences. El Gouna was honored wIth the Global Green Town Award, sponsored by the UnIted NatIons EnvIronment Program, havIng achIeved the substantIal measures requIred wIthIn the fIeld of envIronmental sustaInabIlIty LIstIng SettIng LIstIng Type : For sale LIstIng ID : 1106 PrIce : $1,200,000 Bedrooms : 4 Bathrooms : 4 Area : 262 m2 Lot Area : 1,000 m2

land 1,000

By Annonceur International


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  • For sale
  • Red Sea Governorate, Egypt
  • Houses